your 57-year-old owner is suspected of a money laundering network with a strong Russia, including the covers, which had become in the past year, under the title “Troika Laundromat” is known. According to Reports of an international research group from Russia several billion euros will be reached in the West. Alone on German accounts of around 190 million euros were landed. The BKA is according to own data since the beginning of 2019 in the possession of appropriate records.

The man is said to have brought illegal profits from criminal offences into the legal economic cycle. On the corporate accounts operating inflow foreign payments to private individuals in Russia. In addition, the suspicion that the company is more than 7 million euros to Offshore companies went there.

In a further process will be determined against six German Accused to have established with the help of a Bank in Puerto Rico, so-called Offshore companies. It’s the living rooms in the state of Hesse, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt am Main, Hattersheim, Neu – Anspach, Oberursel, Germany, Schwalbach am Taunus, as well as in Bonn were searched. At the same time, there were more searches at a number of banks in the entire Federal territory in order to secure Evidence.

The accused are suspected of using the Bank’s Offshore companies were established to hide investment income from the German tax authorities and tax evasion. Arrest warrants against the seven accused, according to the investigators, no.
