The us president, Donald Trump has, Tuesday, August 11, shortly after the announcement of the identity of the colisitère of Joe Biden, posted on his Twitter account a video down arrow the senator Kamala Harris. “Kamala Harris campaigned to become president by rushing into the arms of the radical left,” begins the video, which has also accused him of having called for the new taxes to the tune of several “thousands of billions”. The video, also published by the campaign team of the president-candidate, concludes: “Joe the slack and Kamala sham, made to be together, bad for America”.

“Joe Biden can unite the Americans because he has spent his life to fight for us. And when he is president, he will build an America at the height of our ideals”, has tweeted, in response to his appointment, senator of California, aged 55 years. “I am honoured to join as a candidate nominated by our party to be vice-president, and do what it will take for it to become our commander-in-chief”. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will speak together on Wednesday in Wilmington, in the State of Delaware, where the democratic candidate.

“I know senator Harris for a long time. She is more than ready for the job,” praised the 44th president of the United States Barack Obama, in a press release. “It’s a beautiful day for our country. Now en route to the victory.”

“A great choice”

Kamala Harris “has already proven that she was an incredible leader and servant of the public cause”, has tweeted Hillary Clinton, a candidate unhappy for the us presidency in 2016. “It will be a partner strong for Joe Biden”, she added, referring to a “ticket democratic history”. Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, has hailed a “terrific choice”.

Bernie Sanders, his former rival during the democratic primary, has, him, writing : “Congratulations to Kamala Harris, who will make history as our next vice-president”. “She knows what it takes to rise to defend the working class, fighting for a universal health care system, and put an end to the administration the most corrupt in history”, he greeted. “Let’s get to work and earn.”

“senator Harris is a leader, tenacious and innovative”, praised the former national security advisor to Barack Obama, who was also among the favourites to be appointed as colistière. “I trust that the ticket Biden-Harris will prove to be a winner”, she said. “Congratulations to senator Kamala Harris, it is well deserved ! ! I love to see it and support it,” said on Twitter LeBron James the basketball star, accompanying his message of a émoticone a black fist closed.

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Gérard Araud – Biden has already won, unless…