A speech by the President to the Nation from the Oval Office is a rare matter. It serves to reassure the Americans, the message is always the same: no Matter how severe the crisis is, the leadership of the country is in good hands. It was also wanted to the message, the Donald Trump to emit, as he turned on Wednesday to the population, to talk about the Coronavirus . Triggered, he has the opposite: a growing fear, whether the USA are up to dealing with the threat. If you can’t believe the words of this President even if he reads you right in the middle of a state of emergency from a Teleprompter, then when?

It began in the Moment when Trump announced, Arriving from Europe for 30 days to suspend. Also, “trade and goods” were affected, said the President. An import ban for Europe: Could the votes really? While Trump continued his speech continued, had to put the White house is clear: no. Trump had promised, for whatever reason,. That all returning US citizens are exempt from an entry ban, has also been evident only later, and trump’s staff then had to also correct for the other two statements he had made. To those belonged to, stating that the U.S. would be ill consented to the insurer, for the Coronavirus-treatments require no co-payments more. All wrong.

a threat from the outside

The Americans were not reassured. As the U.S. stock market opened on Thursday, rushed the courses in the basement of the trading on wall street has already been interrupted for the second Time this week.

The entry barrier was the core of trump’s speech. He spoke about the Coronavirus as he talks about immigrants from Central America: a threat from the outside. Travellers from Europe, which would have introduced the “foreign Virus” of the be. At least as much as the people in the United States is not engaged, however, what Trump said in his speech. The Virus has spread already in the country. But still not enough Tests are available, there is also no reliable information about how many Americans are sick. So far were carried out at 327 million inhabitants, only 6000 Tests.

There are still the voices, the hold, the Coronavirus is a political weapon that Trumps the opponent against him to the field lead.

This leads to situations like in the capital city of Washington, where there are officially only five cases of infection. In one of the cases it is a pastor of an Anglican Church, led Church services with hundreds of believers and the communion distributed. Hard to believe that he is no one of. However, testing can, in most places, only those who severe symptoms, and a high-risk country. This is the true state of emergency in the United States.

No word from Trump. This is the question of the Tests is for him personally: On Thursday it became known that the press Secretary of the President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro was tested positive for the Virus – and it was only days after part of a Delegation of the Trump in the United States had received.

Instead of testing the President talked in his speech, but rather on a package of aid, which will consist of loans for businesses, and tax deductions. Also, Congress is working to put together a package of measures. The Democrats want to put the priority on support for the millions of Americans who have in their Jobs, no paid sick days. Many of them usually appear to work sick because they can’t afford to stay at home. But what both parties agree that Trump is not agrees, of course.

everyday life

Safely reached is that the seriousness of the situation has now become very many Americans aware of it. Even if one is not concerned with policy, with got that on Wednesday all of the basketball games in the NBA have been suspended until further notice. Almost simultaneously, Tom Hanks announced that he and his wife are infected with the Coronavirus. Everywhere events are cancelled.

And yet there are still, the voices, the hold, the Coronavirus is a political weapon that Trumps the opponent against him to the field lead. The rights of Radio Talker Rush Limbaugh widespread, for example, such a messages a day. And on the same evening, at the Trump of his speech was, again, his Favorite radio host Sean Hannity to the right of the TV took channel Fox News, the Virus is not worse than a normal flu. Hannity and Limbaugh have an audience of millions.

in view of the fact that this audience with the following Trumps overlaps, was the President’s speech so it’s something of a progress. But a consistent message from the White house, there are still. A day after Trump called the Virus a “terrible infection”, was Vice-President Mike Pence asked on CNN whether he shake still hands. Pence didn’t seem to understand the meaning of the question. His Answer:”Yes.”

Created: 12.03.2020, 20:59 PM