Nearly five months after the arrest of two suspected arsonists in Thaining (in the district of Landsberg) is not yet clear whether and when the men are put before the court.

Lech rain, As reported, could go a number of fires in the southern districts of Landsberg and Weilheim-Schongau on your account. In December 2019 and January 2020 property damage in the total amount of EUR 600 000 was incurred, as a field, barns, barn, wood storage, and bales of Straw in the flames erupted, and agricultural equipment was destroyed.

According to information provided by the competent public Prosecutor’s office in Augsburg, Germany, two suspects are in custody. On the day of their arrest they were 24 and 25 years old. They were in the night of 17. January in connection with the fire of a large warehouse at under dießen been brought. Officials of the criminal police had observed a leave for the BMW 3-series, and followed him. In front of a residential building in Thaining (in the district of Landsberg) arrested the two occupants then. The men were brought, according to police in two different prisons. They were part of the confessions.

investigation against a third party accused

under investigation, according to chief state Prosecutor Matthias Nickolai in addition, against a third party to Blame. Details to the thrown into allegations he made on request. The investigations of the judicial police to take Nickolai said. The focus of electronically stored information”, the evaluation of which has not yet been completed, are currently available “.

brand series kept farmers in breathing

The brand series, was held in the mild winter months, the farmers in Lech rain in breath. They lived in constant fear. Some took the precaution of hay and straw from the barns, while others were filled with water liquid manure barrels, and pushed the night guard. The greater the relief after the arrest of the suspects was. “I hope it are the Right ones,” said Rotter, a farmer, whose barn on the 14. December, was burned to the ground.

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