This Friday, August 14, Agence France-Presse reveals that a second French citizen has been identified among the victims of the double explosion with deadly Beirut, Lebanon, on the 4th of August last. A drama that has done more than 171 people dead. The survey, which had been opened by the public prosecutor of Paris, was eventually entrusted to Tuesday, two judges of instruction of the pole specialized accidents collective of the tribunal, has informed the public prosecutor of Paris, confirming a information of BFM TV. The judicial investigation has been opened into charges of’ manslaughter ” and ” involuntary injury “, he said.

Read also Explosion in Beirut : the cost of the damage estimated at over 15 billion dollars

the first death the French had been quickly identified among the victims, the architect Jean-Marc Bonfils, settled at Lebanon, where he had taken part in such projects of restoration of buildings destroyed by the war, according to the minister of Culture. In the days that followed the disaster, caused by a huge quantity of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse, of the French investigators of the scientific police and the judiciary have been dispatched on the spot. Their mission aims, in particular, to participate in the identification of victims and in the reconstruction of events, in the framework of cooperation with the lebanese authorities.

experts from the UN are calling for an investigation

they continue to reject an international investigation, despite the voices in Lebanon and abroad in this sense. Experts of the UN have called for an independent investigation and quick, expressing their concern about “the impunity” enjoyed by, according to them, the political leaders of lebanon. The lebanese authorities have appointed the judge Fadi Sawan, known according to judicial sources for his independence and his integrity, to carry out the investigation on the causes of the explosion. On Thursday, the United States announced that the american federal police (FBI) will join the investigators “at the invitation” of the lebanese authorities.

writing will advise you

Lebanon, the reasons for the implosion