The district administration locking up to 2026 is complete. To the representatives of the district administration Martin Bayer, storfer (CSU) is determined in the inaugural meeting on Monday afternoon in the town hall, Franz Hofstetter (CSU) and Rainer Mehringer (FW).

Erding -the CSU in The district Council remained, unlike two weeks ago in the city Council, a series of electoral losses spared were. On the contrary, In the case of two deputies, there were no opposing candidates. The agreements had to work at the County level, obviously.

That the elections would clear out, was foreseeable from the outset. The new Green parliamentary group spokesman Florian Geiger stated that they will vote for the proposed candidate. In return, you have his group, to install your application, a new climate change body that brings together environmental issues, a majority gets.

Green: Constructive work, without AfD instructed to be

Geiger said for the Green party, “we don’t want to cooperate, what means that we will support any application”.

Him, but it is also important that the district Deputy “to be elected with a wide majority and you are not dependent on the votes of the AfD”. The majority knocked on their tables, while from the five-member AfD group murmur came. This was particularly true of the violin note that it was at the AfD, a party with some extreme right-wing members.

It also votes for County Councils, not-available

In the case of the secret ballot gave were 61 votes to 57 valid. Hofstetter got 46 votes. Curiously enough, Helga Stiegl Meier (Green) United five votes, Ursula Martin (CSU), and Mary Grasser and Georg Els (FW) one, although they were not started.

The third district, which are primarily of a representative office, was elected by a show of hands. Mehringer was the only candidate and received 59 votes to 61.

Jacob swimmer for voluntary withdrawal rewarded

Jacob swimmer was rewarded for his according to party circles, voluntary withdrawal as Deputy district administrator. To be waived in his favor district Bayer, storfer on the chairmanship of the housing society of the district. Whose Board was the former member of the Landtag, and St. wolf ganger mayor so far, as a simple member. Float is considered the “father” of the hire-purchase model of housing to be established in the district.

22 of 60 district councils are new

The 60-member body 22 of the new County Councils to include: Ursula Eibl, Stefan Haberl, Bernhard Mücke, Sabine Berger, Barbara Lanzinger, Manfred Lex, Christian Pröbst, Sosa Balderanou (all CSU), Thomas Gneißl, Christian Büchlmann, Christian Aigner (Freie wähler), Monika Wenger, Maria Feckl, Lena Geiger, Dominik Rutz, Wolfgang Fritz (Alliance 90/The Greens) Georg Nagler (SPD), Wolfgang Kellermann, Otto Kellermann (AfD), Wolfgang Reiter (ÖDP), Rosmarie Neumeier-grain (FDP) and Florian tree (Left). Bayer, storfer took the oath.

The minimum group strength set the Plenum (again) with three members. That was for the ÖDP is important, because it has only three seats.

the CSU has spent in the committees ‘ majority

follows At the composition of the committees (report) of the district Council, the calculation procedure according to Sainte-Lague/Schepers on. This has consequences for the CSU, which at the municipal election on June 15. March had been able to keep their majority, but in comparison to the previous period, four seats lost. In the 12-committees it is represented only with five members, plus the district administrator, has therefore no own majority and is therefore always dependent on at least one other grouping.

FW item take the FDP into the boat

Free voters and the greens are to appoint two representatives to the committees, the SPD, the AfD and the ÖDP each one. Although the FDP with Rosmarie Neumeier-grain has only one mandate, can they participate in the committees. The Free voters gave her a seat on the building Committee and one representative structure of the Committee and the purpose of the Association of geo-heat. The only Left-County Council of Florian tree may only be connected to the to the plenary sessions, three to four per year to participate – just once.

What relates to the new climate protection Committee, now needs to be clarified, whether it is a Committee or a kind of Advisory Board. This would have to be filled then at a later time. ham