The new district Council, in its meeting on Friday a set of rules, as in the coming years, it should work. Already in the run-up has reported the ÖDP party leader and former County Commissioner candidate Markus Kunz village with a number of Amendments.

County – Kunzendorf, which will be complete on Friday for his second meeting as County Council, requesting, among other things, in the name of the joint group of ÖDP and Independent, which he chairs, the introduction of “a reasonable monthly fee for all County Councils”.

He argues that “by such a lump sum on the business of a district Council member’s total” will be upgraded. So far, only “the presence at meetings will not be regarded” as an expense, which corresponded to the activity of the image, so Kunz village.

Also “the presence at the laying of Foundation stones, inaugurations and inaugurations is the task of district Council members – and this is where many driving kilometers, and also a certain amount of time, because of the size of our district effort and the discussions with our citizens(on the inside), the demand in other institutions, and the preparation of applications belong to the remit of the County Councils/interior,” he writes, and promotes the introduction of a flat rate. And anyway: “The County is located in the refunding of expenses in relation to other counties – but also in relation to the larger communities in the district – at the lower end.”

also read : Taffertshofer, and mark Steiner, the Chairman of the County Council.

now represented The “bottom end” looked so far, according to a statement from the district administrator office spokesman Hans Rehbehn, as follows: Who was made free by his employer for attendance at meetings of the district Council and its committees, received a flat-rate attendance allowance of 50 Euro per day. Who was self-employed, got a set of 10 Euro per hour for participation. In the case of workers were not provided by their employers for participation in free, took over the district of the appropriate loss of pay.

How high this rates in the new term of office should be, the district Council will decide on Friday, so Rehbehn more. However, he made clear: “In a normal group member, that are not sitting in a Committee, we are talking of four to a maximum of five meetings in the year. As a councillor has to do much more to this.“

also read : goodbye after 30 years in the district – The farmer’s clever snow plow

in Addition, Rehbehn stress that the new County Councils to get to the session money a IT package- also, the amount of which has yet to be decided. These will be paid, because in the new term of office, the “paperless meeting management” should be introduced. The test phase in the old district Committee was successful, so the decision templates are not sent immediately printed and mailed, but for the County Councils digital should be made available. About the fee, the County Councils are to be given the necessary costs for technology and Internet access will be reimbursed.

Otherwise, Kunz calls the village in the run-up to the meeting, that the rules of procedure and the bylaws of the district Council should in the future be gender formulated and that, in the future, not “in principle”, but “at least” four district meetings in the year should take place. In addition, a deadline of 14 and not, as planned, from 21 days to apply, if County Councils want to provide a current proposal for the next session to continue. Furthermore, the economy should be expanded the Advisory Board from six to seven seats, thus also a representative of the community could occupy the economy a place there, so Kunzendorf.

Green fight for more transparency and against a cell phone ban

Not only the group of ÖDP/Independent has a vast catalogue to Change for the new rules of procedure of the district Council, presented, also, the Greens have submitted five pages of Amendments. In a number of areas, the Greens agree with the claims of ÖDP and Independent (see above post).

Also you call for a gender-fair language in the rules of procedure and make sure that furthermore, at least four district meetings to be arranged per year. The Greens reject the proposal of the district office, “to treat participation Affairs” in the future only, to the exclusion of the Public. This would mean that all issues relating to the EVA, the hospital GmbH and the Radom in Raisting will be treated in the non-public part of the meeting.

“This can’t be our claim to citizens, close, transparent circle tags work,” said group chief Karl-Heinz Grehl from Weilheim in the application of the Green. In addition, the Greens are calling for the law to be allowed by decision of the agenda items from the public in the public part of the meeting moving. Do not agree, the group is also with the new wording, according to which the use of mobile phones should be banned in the district councils during the session in the future.

“It is sufficient if the brought are mobile connected phones to silent and important incoming calls outside of the meeting hall be adopted,” reads the notice. For many people, mobile phones are far more than mere phones. You would receive Mails, and appointments on the manage devices: “A strict use of more time not in accordance with the prohibition of simple.”

it is also Required that the County Councils can continue to access all of the Session records, not just transcripts of the public parts of the meetings. The Greens reject that the district administrator Andrea Jochner-Weiß (CSU) may be in the future, the Chairman or a member of the audit Committee that controls their work.