game devices, and the ability to dispose of the waste: Gerd Stingl (CSU) formulated the desire for a dog meadow the game in the recent building Committee meeting. “In the past, there were always problems with dog feces and free-running dogs in the Fields and meadows, in the various districts”, said Stingl his request. “Due to the large number of dogs in the municipality of an existing demand shows, also.” A corresponding area was also been offered.

objections were to be maintained by Johannes Funke (FW): “The Meadow and mowed. Who does that? Who pays for it?” The cost should be paid by the municipality, said mayor Karsten Fischkal (FW). However, it should be the legal side checked. “Who is liable if a dog is obtained to the other?”, Fischkal called an example.

discussions in the building Committee in the village of Adelsdorf: A dog’s Playground brings new problems

Sabina king (Green) sees the Problem elsewhere: “A dog is the place for all noble village. How are you guys? The owners come from anywhere, but not on foot,” said the mayor.

“I want you to take the Illusion. If we have a dog have a place for the whole community, then we have a heap of not a single dog less”, noted Jutta Köhler (FW). The Alexander Schickert (FW) agreed, “I don’t see any relief for the farmers or the public way.”

Fischkal suggested that the CSU should submit a re-Write, in which it is apparent, who represents the area, and then a statement of the district office and the insurance should seek. “We have two dog schools in place,” he said and also suggested, regarding they would to a Dog Playground. In addition, a rough cost breakdown to be made. This proposal was unanimously complied with.

building Committee: The settling of the noise protection wall is to be increased

The settling of a noise protection wall along the state road 2264 was also a discussion in the Committee. Measurements have shown a difference of seven decibels compared to the area of the Walls in the wepper dorfer street. “We can see that there are changes to the Wall. There was no denying it,” said mayor Fischkal.

In the proposal, Norbert Birkners (any such), to examine the possibility of Trucks not to drive, saw Fischkal not an Option: “It is a state road. To make a request against Trucks , I think is difficult.”

Also Birkners demand for a further Noise survey in the Form of an official measurement was not met with approval. Such a report would cost between 2,500 and 3,000 euros, so Fischkal. “Then we use this money for the wall. However, we will need one or the other shrub or tree-trimming.”

Sabina king (Green) doubted that the wall will bring in more than the trees, and asked whether they could not backfill the Wall with soil. “The Wall is too steep. You would have to make him completely flat, re-backfill and replant. That would be an absurdity,” said Fischkal.

In the unanimous decision, it was finally decided to increase the noise protection wall in autumn to a distance of about 100 meters of trees and bushes gently with H – beams and larch wood. The measure will hit about 10,000 euros.

A generation of forest to climate change

Background of an application of the CSU a-generation forest the progressive die in the end of the Forest, because the trees are able to tolerate the heat. “CO2 can best fight when you bind it,” said Matthias Poured. “The Junge Union has set in February 2020 already an excellent character and more than 2,000 trees in the state forest planted.”

As a possible site for the generation of forest Poured proposes the Meadow behind the DJK sports home. He could imagine an annual tree-day. “There are a variety of events and ideas, to plant a tree.” Mayor Fischkal noted that the proposed area is located in the flood protection area. “But there are also farmers who would be willing to make a field”, so Fischkal.

You can, however, examine the area and see what the Offices say. The Committee endorsed this proposal unanimously.

a bus stop at the outdoor pool or Aisch Park center Is possible?

The group of Alliance 90-The Greens expressed their desire to have the additional stop of the bus line 205 to the Höchstadter indoor pool, outdoor pool, alternatively, on the Aisch Park center. “Many parents bring their children to the swimming pool and in the Winter, in the ice rink,” explained Sabina king the application. “We find it useful, if we want to relieve the parents.”

mayor Fischkal noted that it would have been because of some Traffic issues in the district, the conversation concerned, among other things, the connection to Forchheim. “In this package, the application is in there.”

A stop at the Aisch Park center objected to, in turn, Norbert Birkner: “We have enough of their own shopping centers.”

This article was written by Britta cranefly

*The contribution of “discussions in the building Committee: Is there in noble village will soon have a Dog Park?” published by Contact with the executives here.