According to several security sources ivorian and burkinabées, “attack jihadist” against a base of the ivorian security forces to Kafolo, in the north-east of Côte d’ivoire, at the border with Burkina Faso, has made a “ten of the dead” among the military. It is the first attack jihadist on ivorian soil since the attack of Grand-Bassam in 2016 which had a ten-nine dead.

Read also G5 Sahel : “Without France, the situation in the region would be much worse,”

interim Balance sheet

“there are a dozen of the victims,” said to AFP a source of the ivory. Another source of côte d’ivoire noted the ” 12 dead, including 11 servicemen and a policeman “, and “6 wounded and 2 missing, while another source of ivory coast speaks of the” 9 dead “.

An attacker was killed, according to the first source. For its part, a source in burkina faso referred to the ” 10 military personnel and a policeman killed, and two other missing persons “, and that” an attacker neutralized “.

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Operation antidjihadiste at the border Côte d’ivoire-Burkina

The attack occurred at 3 o’clock in the morning in “the same zone as the operation antidjihadiste” conducted jointly by the armed forces of côte d’ivoire and burkina faso in may. Called ” Comoé “, the name of the river that flows between the two countries, the operation was to dislodge the jihadists in the sector had led to the death of eight jihadist, suspected in the arrest of 38 suspects, and the destruction of a base, without a loss for the ivorian forces or burkinabées, according to the ivorian army.

the presence of The jihadists in the north of Comoé national Park had been detected for more than a year. According to security sources, it was fighters operating in Burkina faso, who came to seek refuge on the side of côte d’ivoire to the border.

Burkina faces of the jihadist attacks which killed nearly 1 000 people dead since 2015. This attack shows that the threat of jihadist descends towards the countries of the gulf of Guinea, after being extended to the Sahel. After the fall of former president Blaise Compaoré, in 2014, the Burkina inherited the chaos in mali, prompted by the collapse of Libya. The jihadist groups affiliated to Al-Qaeda and the group islamic State, which abounds now, threatening to continue their expansion further south, to the coastal countries of the gulf of Guinea such as Togo, Benin, Ghana and the Ivory Coast.

Benin has already done the costs with the kidnapping in may of 2019 two French tourists on a safari in the park of the Pendjari and the murder of their guide, and then the armed attack of a police station in mid-February near the border with Burkina faso. The pandemic of sars coronavirus has not silenced the weapons. In Mali, Niger and Burkina, the attacks and clashes, which have reached an unprecedented level last year, continues to make many victims.

As to the Ivory Coast, the country has been touched on march 13, 2016 from attack by a jihadist : the assailants had opened fire on the beach in the seaside town of Grand-Bassam, near Abidjan, killing 19 people. The authorities claimed to have thwarted several attempts since. Several jihadist attacks have taken place near the border, next to burkina faso, never side of côte d’ivoire. The border area and the area north-east of the Ivory Coast are not recommended to travelers by the French ministry of foreign Affairs.

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Sahel : the time of the outburst of the franco-african ? The operation Barkhane “a turning point” G5 Sahel : “Without France, the situation in the region would be much worse,” Terrorism – Ivory Coast : it was 12: 25 a.m., on march 13, in Grand-Bassam…