Coronavirus: researchers from Wuppertal and Hanover have solved a block in severe cases and possible new approaches for therapy options discovered.

researchers worldwide investigate severe gradients which can cause infection with the Coronavirus* . Still, the variety of symptoms of* of research puzzles give up. However, a large international study is now a key is found. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus, and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany*. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Wuppertal/Hannover/Harvard/Basel/Leuven – still, the sudden, severe gradients of Covid-19-disease the research in the world surprise. Not only the lung is affected, to be welcomed as the beginning of the pandemic from China had, it seems to be clear by now.

recent studies had already suggested that, in addition to the lungs, many other organs are affected. But now there is a new sign of hope: According to its own figures, it managed an international team of researchers, “to discover a building block to the understanding of Disease and the organ damage Covid 19”.

Coronavirus: In comparison to the flu is Sars-CoV-2, the blood vascular system

damaged “In comparison to the ordinary flu (Influenza) the SARS-CoV-2 damages-Virus prefers cells of the blood vascular system and leads subsequently to a significant restriction of blood flow in the organs“ – this is probably the most important finding of the research teams at the University hospital in Wuppertal, Germany, and the medical school in Hannover, in collaboration with the Harvard Medical School and the universities of Leuven and Basel.

up to now, the exact pattern of injury was due to the SARS-CoV-2 Virus is unknown. But it is precisely here that the researchers were able to discover now a crucial building block. With the inclusion of new methods of investigation, you could describe the damage caused to the blood vessel systems.

Coronavirus: damage to the blood in the pulmonary vessels leads to life-threatening disease

in particular, Since the lungs from “the smallest of blood vessels”, where “subtle damage to the blood flow” live “in the shortest time possible threat” for the people will be able to, this explains also the severe symptoms associated with the lungs.

The researchers discovered the following schedule:

In connection with the blood vessel damage arise strong inflammation this is Mediated by the immune cells – this is comparable to rejection in organ transplants This is a blood vessel neoplasm This suggested, in turn, further inflammation

Furthermore, it comes only at a fraction of the Patients to severe forms of the disease. However, for those Affected is likely to arise a new hope, as Hans Michael Kvasnicka, Director of the Institute for pathology and molecular pathology at Helios University hospital Wuppertal, describes: “We see this success as a stage on the way to the destination, the disease mechanisms in COVID-19 to understand better, to be able to Corona-patient targeted therapy .” The entire study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.