The from three to five members has grown AfD group in the district Council feels obvious to CSU and liberal voters drawn to it. On Statements of the – failed – AfD-County Commissioner candidate and current group Vice-Rainer Forster suggests.

Erding, With a view to the inaugural meeting of the Erdinger city Council and the colorful district coalition explains Forster: “All against the CSU, which was already the Motto in the election campaign of the Greens, the SPD and the Free voters, it now seems, with the support of the ÖDP and the individual fighters of the FDP and Left to the district Council a majority will be.” The AfD, so Forster, will “not affect them”.

What relates to the Deputy County administrator Martin Bayer, storfer (CSU), it is currently by Franz Hofstetter (CSU) and Georg Els, respectively Rainer mehringer (both FW), the third district. The AfD can imagine for a woman. “The CSU is equipped with a number of former Mayors about strong women, which would provide parity to the County’s best,” said Forster. Also on the side of the FW there was with former mayors, and the leadership of a public authority “suitable candidates for the post of an additional Deputy in question”. So he is likely to Gerlinde Sigl (Lengdorf), Cornelia bird-catcher (Pastetten), and Ursula Martin (stone churches) and Els (Forstern) and Mehringer (Erding), which is at the employment Agency in Nuremberg, Germany, my.

The new climate change Committee, the Greens call for, given the AfD a cancellation. “This is primarily motivated by party politics,” says Forster. ham