The Corona-increase – for the first time in months, there is, again, more Newly-Infected as a Convalescent. A state allows, nevertheless, large weddings up to 50 people.
Since the RKI reports a decline in R-value – a Coronavirus * Infected infects less than one other Person. However, in addition to the good news, a message that confuses at first glance, now for the First time, there are infections as a Convalescent (the first message from the 11. June) Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the map of the current case numbers in Germany*.
Coronavirus in Germany: R-scrape value of the critical brand
Update from 11. June, 21.21 PM : The reproduction number – in short, the R-value is 0.88 (reliability: 0.86) to notify the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in its latest situation report (data as of 11. June, 0 P.m.). This R-value, the daily is currently reported, and so the infection happened in front of about one to two weeks. The RKI estimates the 7-day-a-R 0.99 (day before: 0,86). The 7-days-R the infection is done from eight to 16 days.
The RKI estimate for the #Coronavirus reproductive number increases slightly – from 0.86 to 0.88.
The 7-days-R, however, the direction one climbs – from 0.86 to 0.99. So this smoothed value was never, since he was on 14. May for the first time wurde.@welt
— Olaf Gersemann (@Olaf gersemann) June 11, 2020
By Corona onset to primary school and daycare center in Magdeburg closed
Update from 11. June, 19.45
: To a Corona outbreak in Magdeburg, the elementary school and the daycare must be closed. “A total of
six people
positive for the novel Coronavirus and ten children, and as the contact persons investigated,” said the city on Thursday evening. There are also many teachers and educators are the contact people, the institutions of Friday the 26. June closed.
A pre-school child to be tested. Whose mother have visited on Monday a parents ‘ meeting, on the 15 other parents and a number of teachers were present. The medical officer of health recommends that all children from the institution, to go into voluntary home quarantine. The doctors said: “All contact persons can be determined.”
Corona in Germany: outbreak on Spargelhof
Update, 16.45 : Only about 0.1 percent of the currently carried out in Germany Coronavirus-Tests a positive result. According to Reuters, the infection moves to happen at a low level. The exceptions are the counties Bremerhaven, Coburg, Sonneberg, Cuxhaven, Gottingen and Hersfeld-Rotenburg and saving are learned operating in Aichach-Friedberg, in the case of the 21 employees*have been tested positive.
Coronavirus in Germany: the Federal Minister of health Spahn (CDU) threatens to mask Anger
Update, 15.17 PM: The Ministry of health Anger seems to threaten The basic actions of suppliers, which had produced protective masks, but not yet paid have received. As image know want, should, therefore, at the beginning of the Corona-pandemic several suppliers, model contracts, and masks will be produced and delivered. The Ministry want the pay but only after testing.
How to (behind the paywall) know wants to have, are from the budget of 1.2 billion Euro for the payment of the invoices available, but the surcharge volume could amount to 4.5 billion euros. About 20 percent of the goods delivered could not hold a TÜV test. When the regional court of Bonn three claims of the supplier are to be submitted to have in spite of correct deliveries, no full payments, in one case, it is 1.6 million euros. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is reported to have said that he wanted to, companies that go bankrupt.
Meanwhile, several studies provide new insights into the Transmission of the Virus in children.
Coronavirus in Germany: A new number surprised
first message from the 11. June 2020, 14.35 PM : Munich – it Goes by streets, Parks, or shopping malls, then one gets the impression that a lot of friends with the “new normal” – with distance and protective measures , it seems possible again to meet up with friends (in limited numbers), or to go shopping.
+ Coronavirus in Germany: A young woman in a clothing store in the shopping center Hamburger Meile a mouth – and nose protection©dpa / Daniel Reinhardt
lie under the surface of this new reality, Numbers and statistics* , which should at least be determined for a while our everyday . Had prepared a few days ago a rise in the critical R-value, so this Trend appeared again in the last days to repent. 0.86 (As Of 10.06. 00: 00), is meant the reproduction number that an infected Person infects on average less than one other Person – the spread of the pandemic always more is contained, in spite of all the loosening, such as the strict contact ban* . In this good news is a number other gets thinner today: 555 Newly Infected with HIV and only 400 of the new Convalescent increased the absolute number of the active infections . And for the first time in months.
Coronavirus: this is a reversal of the trend?
This could mean turning a dangerous trend – that it might give more total active cases, which would draw more load on the health system to.
But even this number can be difficult to classify: That is the number of Convalescent , it could simply also have to do with it, that there is in weeks a total of less active cases. However, since, in particular, the R-value reflects the development of before 14 days, are likely to policy and RKI in the next few days to look in more detail at the Figures – you might think.
Coronavirus-relaxations: NRW surprises with new easing
For the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, which had, according to the RKI on the one hand, with 138 new HIV infections the largest share of the 555 Germany-wide infections , on the other hand, with 217 active cases per 100,000 inhabitants, more in the middle, the end promulgated under its far-reaching loosening of the existing action* payments .
a New version of the #Corona-protection regulation, with further relief is to apply from Monday – including some events with more than 100 persons, and private events with up to 50 persons, subject to conditions possible again?love it. #NRWkanndas #teamnrw
— state Chancellery NRW (@landnrw) June 11, 2020
So should 15. June again :
private parties be allowed “from an excellent occasion,” how weddings, Baptisms, birthday celebrations, anniversaries up to 50 persons junk and markets a barbecue in a public space contact sport indoors for up to 10, outside for up to 30 people Bars may as well re-open as Spa facilities events are allowed for up to 100 people, in the case of solid seats with contact tracing even the 1.5-Meter-generally accounts for
* is part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network.
section list image:©dpa / Jens Büttner