The school Forstern wanted to know how students and parents is given in the last few weeks with the Homeschooling. An anonymous survey was carried out.

Forstern– Almost ten weeks of Homeschooling are behind students, parents and teachers. After the Whitsun holidays, all the kids should get back to the classroom – at least for a day. Learning the home continues to be an issue. How is what happened to the pupils and their parents so far, wanted to the elementary and middle school Forstern find out in an anonymous Online survey.

“it is important for Us to stay with the parents in contact and to get honest feedback,” explains head of the school, Annett Taubert. The survey of 131 parents participated with one child and 32 parents with several children, a total of 193 children, – of which 77 visit the Central and 116 the elementary school.

most of The students learn daily for up to two hours

most of The students work, therefore, the week up to 120 minutes to the übermittelteln tasks (77 children), at least 35 but we also invest more than three hours. This period of Time, 82 percent hold just appropriate. Almost half (90 children) is very pleased with the Organisation of teaching by the teacher, dissatisfied, only six are. The majority of children’s media, such as Smartphone, Tablet, PC and printer for Homeschooling are in the morning available. Only eight children, all elementary school students have access to none of it.

explainer videos and creative tasks to come good

when asked what the course of the lesson well at home, were praised, for example, the explanatory videos of the teacher that they had for questions always available and in your job positions very creative. A summary was: “contact the super, tasks transfer fine, Learning is mostly good.” In addition, the school also achieved the improvement of ideas, for example, that video conferencing also 1. Class would be nice, so that children and teachers to see each other.

primary school: orders in the Form of daily and weekly plans

The primary school pupils in Forstern get for the e-learning assignments in the Form of daily and weekly plans. With the help of personal learning video content is illustrated. By e-Mail and telephone exchange between the students, parents and teachers takes place. “So the children of the first class prior to reading about on the phone of your teachers,” says Taubert.

and practiced, emphasis will be Learned in the core subjects of English and math, the children should be doing but also creatively-creative tasks. So you have involved, for example, in the action “Colorful images for the auxiliary hospital Erding” or make a colorful stone snake. The teachers are grateful for the parents who are committed to helping you in your work “and your kids are a great and, sometimes, patient assistance”.

middle school: a focus on the main subjects

The middle school students to get weeks – or work plans by E-Mail. The solutions are self-control, or the student will return the tasks to the teachers, to the correct then. The teachers offer Phone consultations and video conferences.

In principle, be taught all subjects in the class otherwise. New content is taught, for example, by matching Videos on issues or small instructional videos. The subject teacher will send the Material, with emphasis on the main subjects. “Special joy to the students and their families, the specialist social, if you cook at home or bake,” says Taubert, and summarizes: “It works really well, because they all make the Best out of the Situation.” Nevertheless, most of the students would miss the class community and the Learning in the class room your choice.

exchange between the classroom and Home schooling

Now, in addition to the completion of the students of the Fourth – and eighth-graders, and since Monday, the First – and fifth-graders at the school returned. The latter two come in a kind of exchange model, so that each student two or three days at a stretch in the school. “This is a different challenge than in the past, when only a part of the students in the classroom and part at home,” says Taubert.

in order To keep distances to be able to have you and Vice-principal Andreas Preuschl with masks and a ruler armed, measure the school. Posters have been created with the hygiene rules, which indicate, among other things, the mask of duty. It applies everywhere, where the 1.50 meters not fully guaranteed to be can – in any case, on the way to the class room, but not on the square itself. In the schoolyard were applied in addition, the angle of attack points for the children, and the classes use a variety of inputs.

“must Sometimes be employed, the head teacher of a Sprint lie down”

In the past few weeks, Taubert was with especially (-) plans, were added to the new regulations from the Ministry of culture. “The had to partially go very quickly, because you have to lie down as the head of a Sprint, to satisfy everyone,” says the rector.

rescheduled example, the qualification tests had to be. The scheduled prom with dance from falls, regrets Taubert: “It is a great pity that we had to cancel the many things that make up school, festivals celebrations, meetings and projects, but also sports, art and music classes.”
