In the race for the US presidential candidacy, the Democrats will be held on Saturday in the state of South Carolina, the fourth area code. According to opinion polls, the former Vice-President Joe Biden (77) as a favorite.

Biden had cut in the three previous primaries is disappointing, and is dependent, therefore, in urgent need of a success. In second place was state Senator Bernie Sanders (78), who describes himself as a democratic socialist in the Federal government. He chalked up two victories and leads the field of candidates in nationwide polls.

last vote before Super Tuesday

The area code is the last before Super Tuesday next Tuesday. Then is elected in more than a dozen States. More than a third of the total delegates are awarded, to determine in the summer, the candidate of the Democrats.

This candidate will be on 3. November against the Republican incumbent, Donald Trump in the choice of pull. Trump himself has no serious intra-party competition. The Republicans have deleted their primaries in South Carolina and in several other States.

Biden must hope

In South Carolina can vote more Black than the previous primaries in the States of Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. Biden – the moderate flights of the Democrats belongs to – hopes to be able to this group of voters points.

“I worked like the devil to win the votes of black Americans, not only here, but everywhere in the country,” Biden said in a TV debate for the democratic candidates in Charleston, South Carolina on Tuesday. On the question of whether he wanted to run his candidacy in case of a defeat in South Carolina Fort, he replied: “I’m going to win South Carolina.”

Who is still in the race

Besides, Biden and Sanders are still six other candidates in the race for the presidential nomination of the Democrats: former New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg (78), the Ex-mayor of South Bend (Indiana), Pete Buttigieg (38), Senator Amy Klobuchar (59), the former hedge Fund Manager Tom Steyer (62), Senator Elizabeth Warren (70) and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (38).

Bloomberg does not occur in South Carolina, as in previous primaries -. The multi-billionaire is only entered late into the race and for the first time on Super Tuesday on the election ballots.

Who so far points to could

Buttigieg had a header in the first area code in Iowa at the beginning of February-to-head race with Sanders delivered, came at the end but on a bit more of the delegates. In the case of the area code, in New Hampshire itself, Sanders was able to prevail against Buttigieg, Nevada, Sanders won with a clear lead ahead of Biden and Buttigieg.

was launched Biden as a beacon of hope in the race for the presidential nomination of the Democrats, has in the previous primaries, but not enforce, and in surveys of consent lost. In Iowa he was only on the fourth place in New Hampshire only on rank five.

primaries until June

The polls in South Carolina on Saturday open 7: 00 a.m. (local time/13.00 CET). They close at 19.00 (Sunday, 1.00 PM CET). Following the first results are expected. The primaries go until June. On nomination party days elect Democrats and Republicans finally their presidential candidate – the Democrats in July in Milwaukee (Wisconsin), the Republican Convention in August, in Charlotte (North Carolina).


Created: 29.02.2020, 06:33 PM