The leakage of radioactive C-14 is employed in the research reactor in Garching at the end of March now the city Council. Representatives of the TU Munich were the plenary question and answer. Further, the opinions differ greatly.

That “this must never happen again”, were scientists, and citizens agree. How you want that “never again”, remembering the ghosts. While the TU is working on a concept to the reactor start-up, calling Green a complete closure of the FRM II, The spokesperson for the TU, Anke Görg, stressed, “there was no time for anyone or anything in danger.” We are currently in the causes of clarification, as the outlet that was due to an individual error, it happens, “and then work out a concept.” Also, the message of the Incident was made within the legally prescribed deadlines. The low values Görg compared with “eat 30 bananas, then you have reached the emitted value of the three micro-sievert”, calmed some city councils, such as Joachim Krause (SPD) to the effect that “the radiation exposure in the area of the normal radiation exposure was.”

Götz Braun (SPD) did not want to mix “everything together” that a mistake had happened, but it has nothing to do with the topic of “highly enriched uranium”. Jürgen Ascherl (CSU), is pleased that “no risk have put the population” on. The demand of Bastian Dombret (FDP) showed that, normally, a year “20 to 30 percent of the annual limit value is to be exploited,” says Görg.

Hans-Peter Adolf (Green), which was not the basis or material research in question, however, whether that has to happen with highly enriched uranium, the by Görg presented approach is by no means a stringent argumentation and communication chain. The FRM II, it is a lack of a “decent security concept”, as Adolf, the existing is not sufficient with a Two-eyes principle, “as it is just very clear”.

outlet four weeks later

That at least “Four-eyes principle” is not used, because it is, as Görg confirmed, “is not required, finally got it to work also the years very well reported”, is for Adolf incomprehensible, and not to accept. Similarly, the notification of the Public only at the 14. May is done. Because of the error in the drying process, and thus the discharge of radioactive gas was already on 30. March notice and the proof of that at this time 92.5 percent of the annual limit value is reached, the services are provided. “And yet you said nothing to anyone,” says Adolf. Only four weeks later, when the annual limit value of 15 percent was exceeded, and by the April evaluation was confirmed, it was reported to the outlet. For Adolf, a further indication that the principle does not exist, “it is unplanned contact radio activity and you knew that already since the 30. March! Trust it would be making, if you would communicate when the events Occur.“

Also in the calculation of the so-called “Fall-outs” could refer to the standardised model calculations, such as Michael Schmidt (FRM II) stated that “the worst-case impact area was in the last 16 years, in the middle of 115 meters around the reactor and a fireplace,” says Schmidt. “To the outlet of the days of the Lord were the wind conditions of 25km/h, how can you claim that the impact was on the TU site?”, hooked Adolf after.

reactor without a permit?

wanted to meet During Görg no statements, when the reactor is approached, as this is the nuclear regulatory authority will determine, for Adolf is clear that this should limit due to the year, exceeding legally not this year, but in General do not take place. It would be research, such as the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden, to go for 2023 in operation, a spallation source available that not only work more effective than nuclear fission, but without the enriched uranium to be viable. For years, the reactor FRM II would have to be converted to non-weapons-grade uranium, “inasmuch as the reactor is running without a permit,” said Adolf.

First progress in the production of low-enriched fuel, the monolithic uranium-molybdenum (U-Mo) are done, according to a Press release at the beginning of June, a Pilot production plant in France to be established. From the Federal Ministry for science and research parliamentary state Secretary Michael Meister refers to the fact that it was in coordination with the Bavarian state Ministry for science. The development and evaluation of options for action, as well as the corresponding schedules had not yet been completed.