Four weeks. Thousands of vehicles travel daily through the noise-protection galleries on the A 96 in Gilching and Germering. An opening party there is not – due to Corona. But the Starnberger Merkur threw before commissioning another quick glance in the gallery in Gilching.

Gilching – In the forest colony in Gilching life has changed. “The singing of the birds we heard earlier, hardly,” says a local resident. To close the motorway runs along the residential development. Today to see her, nothing more, and not to hear. The 600-metre-long gallery swallows everything. It spans the three-lane carriageway in the direction of Lindau and dampens at the same time, the noise of the road to München. Instead of a noise protection wall and the highway, the people now look to a bright concrete wall.

Directly behind it, something deeper, it rolls from the end of June, the traffic, the current dual carriageway in the direction of Lindau on the three lanes in the galleries in Germering and Gilching moved. The two noise protection galleries are unique buildings in Bavaria. “So there is something in Bavaria, nowhere else,” says Heiner luck man, project Manager for the overall measure.

In the spring of 2017, the six-lane Expansion

In the spring of 2017 began the six-lane Expansion on the 8.9-Kilometer-long section between Germering and Gilching, Germany, began. A little later workers participated in the construction of the noise protection gallery in Germering in the attack, in the spring of 2018, the Work in Gilching, Germany, began. The end of the year, in November, is expected to be completed the entire six-lane Expansion, all as planned.

+ Inspect the pressure boosting system for fire-extinguishing water: Heiner lucky man (l.) and Peter Rolshausen in the operation of the building in Gilching.

The concrete plants are identical in construction, but vary in length. 973 metres in length, has to offer the gallery in Germering, Germany, and 523 are in Gilching, Germany, at the height of the forest colony. For both, there is a operating building. In his interior it looks a bit like a command center. On multiple screens the footage of the 20 cameras that are mounted in and on the gallery Gilching flicker. The same pictures of the employees in the operations control center in Freimann, the Railways of southern Bavaria a look at the technology and the transport position of the car. In contrast to the operation of buildings in Gilching and Germering, but it is busy around the clock.

In the basement of the two-storey Gilchinger building to the food hofstraße also a Reservoir for water in addition to cables, electrical and technology: 72 cubic metres of warehouses for the case of a fire. “This is so required,” explains engineer Peter Rolshausen, of the is for the operation and maintenance charge. In the space in front of it with a pressure increase system, it ensures the required six Bar to the hydrant in the gallery. “We should not take all of this in operation.”

technology is also available in the galleries every crowd

technology is also available in the galleries a lot. “For us, the tunnels are buildings,” says Rolshausen. That is, there are escape routes, fire protection measures, radio for the emergency services, lighting, everything. The guidelines are strict. In the galleries, Tempo 100 km/h. In case of fire blocked the galleries like a Tunnel. Only ventilation, the designers were able to do without.

the smoke in case of fire peeling still perfect, have General Directorate of highways, construction companies and fire tested only a few weeks ago (we reported). “It worked,” says Rolshausen satisfied. The smoke was collected at the tunnel ceiling and is then withdrawn via the open sides. The construction had in the run-up but also in themselves. “You have constantly changing light conditions. As we have thought for a long time,“ he says. Powerful concrete the ceiling of the galleries, which are five-Meter-high support struts.

27 510 cubic metres of concrete, the workers in the gallery Germering have installed

in addition to the three lanes à 3,75 meters, 2.50 meters width of the track. If the motorway in the direction of Munich is to be locked, can be routed all the traffic through the galleries. Where we are at Numbers: 27 510 cubic metres of concrete have been installed, the workers in the gallery Germering, in Gilching, there were 15 020. Come to subways, manholes and Backfilling. In total, almost 50 000 cubic meters of steel-reinforced concrete plug in the noise protection gallery. The cost for the six-lane Expansion amount to approximately 130 million Euro, galleries, and noise protection walls will be around 60 million euros.

planning and construction ran like clockwork, despite and a bit also because of Corona. “The traffic is in the meantime decreased significantly – this was for the construction of a relief. Some of the Work that we had planned for the night, we were able to do during the day,“ says the lucky man. Failures in staff not have given it to.

For the technical Work in the gallery, however, the decline in traffic was less relevant. Only the noise level, the taken care of safe for relief. Now a conversation in the gallery at the corona-related safety distance is difficult, too loud resounds the noise of the vehicles on the open side walls in the high halls. Tunnel cover and pages are full of equipment and cables, lamps, cameras. The light in the tunnels is controlled depending on the time of day In bright sun light emitters in the Interior do not, however, “the motorist explained to the Dark ride”, good luck man. Also the night light is currently always Because the galleries are a popular subject for graffiti artists. Also the cameras are always running. For license plate recognition, you were too out of focus, explains Rolshausen, “for reasons of data protection”. Nonetheless, the police can convict with your help on the construction site in Germering been cable thieves. “In the case of writers from the us, unfortunately, have not yet succeeded.”

Four weeks so still up to the track laying. Tranquility prevails on the site until then, for now, since everything is ready, comes the whisper of asphalt, which extends about 25 meters in the galleries. He is sensitive to it. At the height Germering Expansion of the roadway goes to the final. Starting in November, should the construction site be resolved, and the traffic can roll on six tracks. With the work but it is even more. “The operation of technical installations are exposed to exhaust fumes, Dirt and salt is strong and need to be replaced so often, in shorter intervals,” announces Rolshausen.

Also, the costs continue to run: Around 150 000 euros cost of electricity engulfs the gallery in Gilching, in the year, in Germering, there are 230 000 euros. Noise protection has its price.