At the initiative of the parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie, chaired by Amadou Soumahoro, president of the national Assembly of Côte d’ivoire, the pan-african Parliament, chaired by Roger Nkodo Dang, and the african parliamentary Union, chaired by Mohamed Ali Houmed, president of the national Assembly of Djibouti, have, on behalf of their respective organizations, called for the release of their colleague, brother and friend, Soumaïla Cissé. This happened on the 25th of march last while he was on electoral campaign in the electoral district of Niafunké, Timbuktu region in Mali, in the framework of the legislative elections of 29 march and 19 April 2020. On this day, Mr. Soumaïla Cissé, mp, president of the Union for the republic and democracy in Mali, has suffered an armed attack of his convoy by unidentified armed individuals in the course of which he has been kidnapped, his aide-de-camp killed and two members of his delegation were seriously injured.

Read also : Mali the leader of the opposition Soumaïla Cissé has been removed

An abduction in a region where to operate the jihadists

To this day, all the people taken hostage at the same time as him have been released, with the exception of Mr. Soumaïla Cissé, for which we remain still without news. If the abductions are unfortunately common, since the emergence of the crisis in Mali, this is the first time that a personality of the first rank, in the image of Soumaïla Cissé, is being held hostage. Although it has still not been officially claimed, this attack took place in an area in which usually operate jihadist groups. We hoped for a good outcome and fast the first days that followed the kidnapping. More than sixty days later, it is clear that the impasse remains, and Soumaïla Cissé continues, alas, to be deprived of his liberties under conditions, no doubt, be difficult.

Read also : Mali Soumaïla Cissé, a kidnapping without a previous

A test for his family and for peace

This abduction, feels his loved ones, as well as the whole of the family policy in mali. Beyond the political figure, the hostage taking of Mr. Cissé will be detrimental to the efforts undertaken by Mali, its neighbours in the Sahel and the international community to ensure peace and security in northern Mali. The removal of a member of parliament is a gross violation of the democratic principles and fundamental freedoms.

Aware of the complexity of the situation and of his eminently sensitive, we wish to acknowledge the work and efforts undertaken by the government of the Republic of Mali to establish a dialogue with the kidnappers of Mr Cissé and to obtain his release in the shortest possible time.

Read also: Mali “Removed at the same time as Soumaïla Cissé, this is what I saw”

In support of the solidarity for a happy ending

as parliamentarians, and in a spirit of solidarity, it seems important to us to unite our voices to promote a happy outcome to this situation which has lasted too long. This is why we parliamentarians, who are the signatories of this call urge :

The highest malian authorities, as well as those of the sub-region and the continent, to a strong commitment and to intensify their efforts for the release of Soumaïla Cissé ;The forces of peacekeeping – including the Minusma, operation Barkhane and all partners safe in Mali – to take all possible measures to accompany and facilitate the quick return and good health of Mr Soumaïla Cissé with her own people ;Finally, all good wishes, which can play a role to work in consultation with the authorities in charge of the case to a happy ending and the prompt of this situation.

* To the side of the FSA, parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie, with representatives from 88 parliaments or inter-parliamentary organizations, members of the pan-african Parliament and the african parliamentary Union, have signed this call.

writing will advise you

Mali : the leader of the opposition Soumaïla Cissé has been removed Mali : Soumaïla Cissé, a kidnapping unprecedented in Mali : “Removed at the same time as Soumaïla Cissé, this is what I saw “