In the middle ages, the feudal lords were not just the owners of the land, but also of the peasants that worked; these servants of the gleba were cuasiesclavos, with no rights beyond that I would like to give his owner. In Russia, at the time imperial, this system, which deprived the peasants of the freedom of labour, that is to say, to leave the earth, spread as far as the mid-NINETEENTH century. In 1861 it was removed. But up until that year, the lands were sold together with the peasants who populated.

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That time is the one that seems to have inspired a Russian businessman of the cold region of Krasnoyarsk, who at the beginning of the last month published an advertisement in the portal of sale of properties in that put on sale the village of Vasílievka, in the district of Idrínskoye, located in the south of that province siberian of 2.8 million inhabitants and about 4,100 miles of Moscow.

The text specified that the village “has its own infrastructure consisting of power lines and telephone, in addition to water pipes, with a tower of 300 cubic metres”. He remembered, moreover, that the district of Idrínskoye had bestowed on him “5,000 hectares of land in usufruct, indefinite, of those, 1,250 in culture”.

The entrepreneur ensures that she has built additionally a complex of agriculture, on a farm of geese, a complex for grain with deposit 32 tonnes, garages and area repairs. “Excellent place for hunting and fishing,” he said, adding that what sells at a low price. For the package, which includes the 45 houses of the inhabitants of the village, the employer asked for 20 million rubles (about 289.000 euros).

The channel Russian NTV contacted the employer, who would not disclose his identity, and asked on the phone if the people of the village was included in the package. “Of course; they live there, but they are free,” was the response. Wondered if you could take the inhabitants, he answered: “The owner commanded. Buy and then do what you want.”

the peasants of the village are concerned about their future, picks up the daily digital Krasnoyarskmedia, and what I most fear is that the new landowner will deprive you of the places where they mow the grass, because that would mean that they could not feed the animals they have and which in large part depend on their lives. The head of the Investigations Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, has echoed the concerns of the villagers and has been ordered to study the case.

The village is in private hands since the nineties; at that time they appointed one item of the state budget to attract people to the village. In charge of carrying out this program was the Combined Agroconstructor of Minusinsk, the director of which, later, he obtained the lands in usufruct, indefinite.

How he became the principal owner of these lands is a mystery without rinsing. This could be explained only by the disorder, chaos and corruption of the first period of the Russia-independent. The employer argues that the inhabitants of the village would have signed the documents that transferred their properties. But the head of the department of real estate of the district of Idrinsk, Alexei Krashnikov, ensures that the employer never bought the village and that it has ignored the new rules introduced in the Land Code.

To the inhabitants of Vasílevska, the hope is that the public Prosecutor take up the case and check the legality of the sale and if actually the businessman in question has the property rights over the whole of the village. He so says, but the Administration of Idrínskoye denies it.