The deputy of the CUP, Mireia Vehicle, which has started this Sunday, the round of discussions of the Joint Group in the debate of investiture, has reported in his “speech to the commanders rewarded for apalizar the Catalan people” and said that “the only coup” that has occurred in Spain “has been the court, of the hand of the Supreme Court, which has jailed the members of the Parlament”. In its turn of reply, Pedro Sánchez, has stated that the Human Rights Court in Strasbourg “and criticized the bankruptcy unilateral of the law in the Catalan Parliament in September of 2017.” And then he added: “I assume the mistakes, their own and those of others, because it was then in the opposition, but effectively supported the Government that took these exceptional measures, because it was exceptional to apply the 155. But I also think that the pro-independence should make a reading-criticism of those months, ill-fated, and especially not to justify the violence”. Government sources make it clear that Sanchez “has always defended his support at that time” to the application of the 155 in Catalonia “by responsibility, and a sense of State” and added that “the new stage which now wants to put in place requires a time of dialogue, negotiation and agreement.”

Vehicle has initiated the intervention on Sunday of the Mixed Group, which includes parties, antagonistic as UPN, Forum Asturias and the CUP, and that has extended the tension caused by the speech prior Bildu and the allusions to ETA and to the Monarchy.

After the angry criticism of the spokesman for Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua, the King’s speech on Catalonia’s October 3, 2017, that has caused the PP asked you to leave the act as “injurious”, Vehicle has questioned “the Spanish Monarchy “corrupt”, which has scrambled back into their seats on the thwarts of the PP, Citizens, and Vox. The president of the Congress, Mertixell Batet, has refused to rebuke the women who had referred to the Monarchy, as requested by the opposition. “In other times is not allowed the criticism to the authorities of the State. Luckily, those times have passed. This presidency is going to ensure the freedom of expression,” he said.


LIVE Follow live the debate and the vote of investiture of Pedro Sánchez The intervention of EH Bildu causes a strong anger in the Congress

As the previous day, ETA, dissolved in 2018, also attracted minutes of the debate of investiture. The spokesman for UPN, Sergio Sayas, has criticized the socialists, “who have been threatened, who have had to look under the car and have seen how they painted targets”, accept now the abstention of Bildu. “Who made all of this are that you are going to choose now president of Spain. Do you need to have tragaderas, mr. Sanchez,” he said to the president-in-office.

“very Impressive to hear the things he says”, replied the leader of the PSOE. “You are very loose in the insult, but they have the skin very thin. UPN already agreed to an agreement with HB to the presidency of Navarra in 1991. ETA does not exist, and we’re going to have a progressive Government,” he said. Sayas said that “the awesome” era “to see who aspires to be president of his country kneeling in front of the court of nationalist, pro-independence and separatist Congress.” The deputy UPN has also denied that they had agreed with HB. “In 1991, UPN came to the Government of Navarra for the procedure list with the most votes, just like the PSOE in previous elections. Because when you formed an absolute majority there was a law that allowed those who had won the elections, to access the power directly.”

Both have been caught also by the covenant of the PSOE with the PNV, which among other measures, establishes the transfer to Navarra to the competences of Traffic. “When you want to agree to something that has to do with Navarre, talk with their legitimate representatives”), has recriminat Sayas Sánchez. The deputy UPN has assured that the agreement with the PNV provides the removal of the body of the autonomous community. The covenant refers only to the powers of Traffic, as clarified by the minister of the Interior in office, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who added that the Government intends to increase the presence of the Guardia Civil in Navarra. The Government of José María Aznar transferred to Catalonia, the powers of Traffic in 1997 and vowed to do so in Navarra in the year 2000, although the measure was eventually not apply.

Isidro Martínez Oblanca, of Forum Asturias, has also defended his vote against the appointment of Pedro Sanchez to the understanding that it would be “calamitous for Asturias” because its Government defends, among other things, a “green radical”. Martínez Oblanca has finished his intervention with living to the King, to the Constitution and to Spain. When you return to your seat has been applauded on foot by members of the PP.