The Federal police was not “for compliance with the health regulations of the countries responsible,” noted a spokesman for the Federal interior Ministry on the last Friday in Berlin. They could only intervene if it comes in the dispute over the mask to wear to a “conflict that is a danger to rail traffic”.

Deutsche Bahn spokesman: “The railway is not the police,”

The Deutsche Bahn, in turn, had declared, in turn, a few days before that you see for the “enforcement” the competent authorities in the duty. The train itself is not entitled “as a company, to sanction violations of state regulations”. Compared to the “BR” was clearly a railway spokesman continued: “The railway is not the police.”

Neither the state nor the Federal police are responsible for

The Federal transport Ministry confirmed this Position on Friday: The train will inform the passengers “in detail” about the mask duty and the “train attendants make the people aware,” said a Ministry spokesman. For the “enforcement of legal regulation,” the railway companion, however, is not. Since the mask duty on an agreement of countries, the responsibility of the land authorities. Therefore the country authorities and / or the imputed country the police would have to enforce the mask duty and sanction administrative offences.

The Problem: To rail facilities and trains, the Federal police is basically in use. It takes, according to its website, “police tasks in the field of railway facilities of the Railways of the Federal government’s true” and it is the responsibility of, “there are threats to public security or order, to fend off”. This is regulated in Paragraph 3 of the Federal law on police.

passenger Association, with a clear requirement of the policy

The passenger Association ProBahn calls for an end to the confusion as to the jurisdiction in this matter. Compared to the “BR” said ProBahn spokesman Andrew Barth, the German interior Minister, Horst Seehofer, to some country-gentlemen, who was really in charge. In addition, it is also useful to police checks in the trains to reduce the number of mask objectors.

violations of the masks-duty: displeasure in the case of rail-customer

grows While each has the responsibility for the same, who, then, is for the enforcement of the mask duty in charge of growing the web customers of displeasure.

A woman writes on Twitter, your father have asked you, if it’s safe enough, a 400-Kilometer trip by train to compete. “I had to say no, because you no mask duty in the train.”

another user refers to Austria. There are since the beginning of this week, penalties for passengers who refuse to wear a mask. The Austrian Federal railway (ÖBB) has taken the mask mandatory in their conditions of carriage and the mask, by duty yourself.

CDU politician Ruprecht Polenz write meanwhile: “Probably I’m not the only one that avoids the train yet.”

How do you mask the debate around the railway and what have you done for experiences in train travel? Write to us at

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