Peter Gojowczyk is one of the best tennis players in the Region. Corona has decreed a forced break. As the 30-Year-old bypasses so he has to betray now.

Peter Gojowczyk is one of the best tennis players in the Region. The Corona pandemic has prescribed in his career, is now forced to take a break. As the 30-Year-old handle it as he sees fit and what he plans for the future, he has to betray now.

Haimhausen – For the past 14 years, Peter Gojowczyk is jetting off to the world. From city to city, tournament to tournament, more than 200 days in the year. He probably has the time of his adult life in airplanes and more time spent with his family. While “normal” people would be busy Packing for six-week stays in new Zealand and Australia for hours, he needs this, “exactly two minutes”. As a tennis professional he is accustomed to life in the Hotel, from the case.

is all The more unusual for him now to what he experienced for the last three months of a forced break, caused by a global pandemic that has brought the complete Tennis-circus to a standstill. In March Gojowczyk was still in Indian Wells, California, then Phoenix would be on the schedule. Instead, it went back to Los Angeles and then back to Munich. His life was driven “to a beat down. So what I never had,“ he says.

“It was a difficult time for all of you”

Peter Gojowczyk none, of the quarrels is. Clearly Corona’s going to cost him a lot of money, as the 30-Year-old, he is likely to have the longest time of his career already behind. But he also says: “It was a difficult time for all of us.” Even more than the adult professionals, however, would suffer the young player: “For it is quite bad. There are degrees of no tournaments. Drum thought of as degrees of One or the Other: what’s next?“

He himself stresses, “to have any sleepless nights”. “Finally, I gained in the past years, quite good.” Nevertheless, he is a self-employed professional tennis player currently without income, has to pay his Trainer, and his life. During the football pros are insured through contracts, is the tennis Pro lone: Since there are no tournaments and no League is played, he can not exercise his profession, and, consequently, no money. Gojowczyks colleague – and friend – Matthias Bachinger, currently number 268 in the world rankings, had announced in an Interview with the Bild newspaper a few weeks ago, even, to want state support request. After all: Gojowczyks sponsors – above all, the Delta Equity GmbH – remain faithful to him, at least until next year, “then we’ll see,” said the 30-Year-old.

+ professional without airs and graces: the tennis player Peter Gojowczyk©photo: Ohl

Peter Gojowczyk second great passion is cooking

is Inasmuch as he had plenty of time to enjoy his forced break. “I discovered the inline skating for me, and Yoga,” he says. “New muscle groups” would be trained – what more could him, help him in the long term, perhaps also to his body beyond the 35 the busy professional sports expose. To this end, he works ambitious on his second great passion: cooking. After he has learned the basic knowledge “of the mom and the grandma”, he moves now at an Advanced level: In-house Gojowczyk there are Alpine desserts as well as Asian or Indian. The ceiling falls on him in his house in the Eastern district of Dachau, therefore, not on the head, on the contrary: “I’m really glad that I finally have my peace.”

With His “peace” means, for a performance athlete like Gojowczyk still several hours of Training daily. At the beginning, while the Corona high phase, was limited to be in the program, although only on Fitness and strength training. His father built him, then eventually to a “network” that he could span in front of his house across the street. Since a few weeks but he is allowed back on the Court, a day, two to three hours, he works with his Trainer Christopher Kas in Munich’s Unterföhring district, on the Sport Scheck all-weather facility. Goal: to be fit for the hopefully ongoing US Open. Hard court is already lining Gojowczyks Favorite that he has missed due to Corona is now the clay and grass season, he is therefore only semi-regret value.

Possible plans according to the professional sport: in Tennis as a coach to remain faithful

in addition to the Charging of the batteries Gojowczyk took advantage of the break, but also for the General Consideration, as it is with his life after professional sport to go on. An idea: to remain in the Sport as a coach, loyalty. And so he sniffs currently, the system of the SV Haimhausen just a little in this profession. Without airs and graces, he is there for players of each class of instruction. Until August, he is the Amateur players in the hours available.

He himself has learned in Dachau his Sport, with a Trainer, “the old school”: At the top of discipline was confessed, was trained to “monotone, only just beats”. Gojowczyk wants to tackle as a coach, the thing more versatile, more children, more Variation in the beats teach. More important than raw power feel for the ball, agility, Hand-eye co-ordination and a sense of three-dimensionality is “”.

What is Peter Gojowczyk’s missing, really, is the competition

The Tennis itself has not changed in the eyes of Gojowczyks in the past years, not so much, “more of the trappings of the physique of the players. It is made outside of the square there is a lot more“. For this reason, he sees in the crisis a Chance to change the Sport, or time to “try something New”. Easy to imagine the so-called “On-Court Coaching”, or telephonic consultation with the coach via Headset would be, for example, for him. Also a new method of counting, or shorter sentences, you would now be able to try at least. Basically, however, the 30-Year-old, soon, again, Match play is pleased to be able to, no matter what mode. Because of all the passion for Yoga, cooking, and Coaching: What’s wrong with him really, “is the competition. The Tension. If you go out and don’t know if you can make it. And then at the end you win“.

tennis training with Peter Gojowczyk: “no, no, no Volleys, we do this later!”

When as in the old hobby player with a “coach” Peter Gojowzyk on the space, you scary at first. How does someone, how someone moves, what are the claims of someone who is normally with Stars such as Roger Federer on the court has? If you realize that this Peter Gojowczyk comes a more patient, more accommodating, more polite man that can control his Arm well, the hobby player to the pity. Pity, with a man – you can’t say often enough – usually with Stars such as Roger Federer plays and now its life time with a – the you have to repeat – aged hobby player wasting. The shame comes in: “I Would have trained but in the last couple of weeks, then I would be a bit fitter!” You don’t want to embarrass yourself completely…

Good to “Coach” Peter Gojowczyk: He manages to calm down his protege. With the patience of a Saint, he explains plays – even 100 Times – the Ball always in the same pace to the same place, brings back so far into the From sailing balls and has the time to praise his frightened face and To cheer up. While the hobby strikes a player, comes from over again, the correction – it is an experience to see how you will be seen by a Peter Gojowczyk.

+ Prolonged contact with the Ball, the Ball go toward: tennis coaches Gojowczyk explains how a one-handed backhand should look like.©Photo: Ohl

What he can today with his protégé, to show how this Sport should ideally look

And takes his Job as a coach very seriously. He who believes to stand with the Star just for fun on the course, dead wrong. As the old hobby player, completely exhausted, he asks is for power saving reasons, now to be able to please Volleys to play, comes from over a firm, “no. We’ll do that later!“ Aha, clearly, the old ASV-school, then just continue with the basic strokes.

It would be exciting to see what a coach Gojowczyk power in the distant future, from a tennis player, he coached longer. If he can be better with women or with men, whether he is more of the psychologist or the instructor. What he can today with his protégé, to show how this beautiful Sport in the ideal case should look like; and that it is not so bad if you can pull it off quite so perfectly as he.

training hours

Peter Gojowczyk can be booked by E-Mail at . Price on request. Please Name(s) and requested date specify.
