China is experiencing the second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic in Beijing. Meanwhile, Brazil and Chile are particularly affected by the Corona-crisis. The WHO warns. All of the global developments in the News Ticker.

Coronavirus pandemic in the world*: China item in the Corona-crisis back into focus. The Chinese are grasping for the new Covid-19-outbreak to Beijing rigorously (message, from 18. June, 17.30), and the WHO warns (19. June, 18.34). Here you will find the basic facts about the Coronavirus * and the Corona News from Germany* . Also you can find here a variety of current case numbers in Germany, as a card*. Currently there are the following recommendations to Corona-protection measures*. All of the previous, global developments in the Corona of a pandemic, you can read here.

Update from 19. June, 18.34 PM: Coronavirus pandemic is not over, despite the relaxation in Europe, on the contrary. “The pandemic is accelerating,” said the head of the world health organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus , in Geneva on Friday. Within a day of the WHO had been reported more than 150,000 new infections, as many as never before. Almost half had been reported from North, Central and South America, but larger Numbers also came from South Asia and the Middle East.

Especially tense is the Situation in Brazil. The President Jair Bolsonaro. A Brazil expert explained on request, which is why the “tropical-Trump” in spite of some missteps still has supporters.

“The world is in a new and dangerous Phase,” said Tedros . “A lot of people have, understandably, tired of being at home. Countries want to understand open the way to economic and social life again. But the Virus is spreading rapidly, it is still lethal and the majority of people can infect still.“

Tedros summoned all the people to keep more distance and to implement the hands frequently, washing and other hygiene measures. All infections need to be tracked and Affected isolated.

Corona: China grasps for the outbreak in Beijing, rigorously – Numbers continue to rise

Update, 19. June 10.34 PM: The number of Infected people in the Chinese capital of Beijing is increased further. On Thursday, there had been a eruption .

public health Commission announced on Friday that 25 for more infections were detected. On a Chinese wholesale market, there was an outbreak – the number of Infected has increased to 183 .

The Chinese government reacted immediately and drastically to Beijing was partially sealed off. the flights reduced, the bus in some provinces, has been set. The people are no longer instructed to leave the city. Nationwide, China reported on Friday a total of 32 new infections .

Update, 22.55 PM: The world community is fighting the Coronavirus, while US President Donald Trump in the Corona-crisis in the USA attracts more criticism and ridicule. Meanwhile, the Covid-19-Hotspot New York is planning a far-reaching loosening.

Update, 21.25 PM: The world community is waiting in the Coronavirus pandemic, a vaccine against the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2, and a drug against the insidious lung disease. German researchers in Marburg have made the search for a Corona-drug now a success.

Corona-the crisis in China: district, close to Beijing on lockdown

initial message, of 19. June: China resisting the second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic .

the new Covid-19-outbreak* in his capital Beijing , the billion-inhabitants-of the country, access to a rigorous and seal off the adjacent district of Anxin with about 460,000 inhabitants, to a large extent.

specifically Means: trips in the area and this is also largely prohibited.

reported As state media, allowed only to vehicles that are used for the basic supply of around 150 kilometers from Beijing the remote district. Other vehicle required a special permit.

+ Beijing: A nurse treats a COVID-19-patient to an isolation ward at the Beijing Ditan hospital.©Reuters / Peng Ziyang

Previously had to call the authorities in Beijing is already the second-highest level of security to get to the next Corona – outbreak – this time to a fish market of the metropolis-in the handle. The 21 million inhabitants to abandon, for example, to non-necessary travel.

Coronavirus pandemic in the world: Brazil and China

schools and universities closed are affected. Stand Thursday morning (CET) there were 158 new registered Corona-cases .

Severely affected by the Covid-19-pandemic remains Brazil . On Wednesday Evening (17. June, CET) had been reported in the largest country in South America on the second day in a row, more than 1,200 Corona the Dead within 24 hours.

Latin America has also experienced Chile (of around 15 million inhabitants) with the Virus – and is now one of more than 200,000 Covid-19-Infected .

keep Track of all the developments and trends for the Coronavirus pandemic in the world here in the News Ticker.

pm and the epp Material of the AFP, and dpa

* part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editors network