After the drought in the spring, the numerous days of rain in may and June, both of forest, farmers as well as foresters to be optimistic. Also, the harvest forecast is well so far.

County – The holiday has it’s rainy Gerhard floor tidy. But this has spoiled the managing Director of the Bavarian farmers Association in the circle of Freising, by no means, the mood – on the contrary. “God, thank’s raining’I thought to myself.” Not only the farmers were very pleased about the changeable weather in the past few weeks. The forest farmers can breathe again.

“water stocks were able to recover”

Alfred Fox, again, is confident: “The water reserves in the soil were able to recover a bit.” The smooth, rich “continuous rain,” as the head of the forestry operation, Freising says, ‘ve done the forest, very well.

The question for Fox and his Team now is How it looks with any pests? The first swarming phase of the bark beetle was over and the forest Manager behavior is optimistic. The new beetle is going to bring the Freisinger forest farmers first, so a lot of work. “So far, we still have no new infestations flock call found.” The sun is sometimes to the fact that in the Freisinger forest after the Winter, and especially after the storm “Sabine” had been cleaned up in February, neat. “Our spruce wood workup was very thorough.” For the beetle, a range of breeding space is hardly available. “The location is convenient: The good water supply, strengthens the trees. That is, the basic requirements for a successful defence of the first beetle wave are given.“

“in the meantime, a rainy day is the perfect weather every Forester”

But in order, the Team of Fox in these days of the widespread beetle infestation, search for evidence of a Bark: This could be, for example, dust on the trunk or flaking bark. Stronger infestation was also for a lay visible: When the crown is red, is a sure sign of infestation.

So that the trees remain as resistant as possible to pests, whether of regular rain is necessary. “The water can not be stored in the soil.” Nevertheless, Fox wants, of course, have a good summer with beach weather. “But every now and again, a productive rainy day, the perfect weather of every Forester is.” He says: “If it continues, we would have again a year in which the forest really well.”

precipitation is seen not only in forestry, but also in the fields like: “It is a beautiful country, it was not rain, as we had him for a long time,” says Gerhard floor. Three weeks it had rained in about 80 liters. In this time, could the floors recover well. “And the cooler temperatures were good for the growth of plants. Only the Corn was a little too cold.“

“stocks no longer look like the Suffering of Christ”

at the end of April, beginning of may, the prospects due to the continuing to be drought less rosy been. “But since you should not get panic. Nature balances out over the year a lot,“ explains the BBV circle managing Director. In contrast to the spring, the relatively cool, precipitation are may and June, rich been ideal, especially for the green country. “The stocks look now like the Suffering of Christ, but have become good.” Therefore, Stock expected “at least an average harvest.”

Nevertheless, it is likely to stay warmer again: The green land-cut stand. “A longer period of time to temperatures above 30 degrees would be poison for the grain of education in the case of wheat while,” says cane. Good 25 degrees it could be but already. At the beginning of July, the cereals go harvest the winter barley los. “Because we need a beautiful harvest weather.”

news in the district of Freising

harvest time extra-wide work machines on the go. Therefore, an appeal for more: to motorists, cyclists and farmers has now been issued.

A Celebration of high school graduates at the moss Burger Aquapark came to an abrupt end After an emergency, the police broke up the Party with hundreds of guests.Now the use of a senior official, praises the young people.