23: 24 – End this live

This live is now finished, thank you to all we have followed. Find from tonight, the analysis of the results of this second round >> municipal Elections : France is going green.

23: 15 – Abstention, green wave, Hidalgo who triumph in Paris : here are the key points in this second round of local elections

AN ABSTENTION HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF CORONAVIRUS. Among the 16.5 million eligible voters called to vote on 4 820 commons for the second round of municipal elections, they are likely to have shunned the ballot. The participation rate is set between 40 % and 41 %, depending on estimates, compared to 62.1 % in 2014. This abstention history fits in the context of a public health crisis related to the outbreak of coronavirus, which has slowed down the voters, in spite of the health measures to be strengthened, while the candidates were virtually not able to campaign, three months after a first round marked by a high abstention rate.

STRONG BREAKTHROUGH OF the ECOLOGISTS. environmentalists won a big victory in Lyon, where Grégory Doucet, at the head of a coalition EELV-PS-PCF-BIA, leads with more than 50 % of the votes, according to the estimates, before Yann Cucherat, protégé of the outgoing mayor Gérard Collomb. They snapped up as Marseille thanks to Michèle Rubirola, at the head of a coalition of the left, which gets around 40 % of the vote, ahead of the candidate LR Martine Vassal, and the candidate RN Stéphane Ravier. Environmentalists also earn Bordeaux , , where Stone Hurmic arrives ahead of the outgoing mayor LR, Nicolas Florian, but also Strasbourg, Tours, Poitiers, Besançon and Annecy.

ANNE HIDALGO ELECTED by an ABSOLUTE MAJORITY IN PARIS. In the capital, Anne Hidalgo, allied with EELV, victorious in the triangular with more than 50 % of the vote, far ahead of the candidate LR Rachida Dati (around 32 %), and the candidate LREM Agnès Buzyn (from 13.7 to 16 %).

DOWNFALL OF LREM. The president’s party does not win any large city and is required to le Havre, through to the Prime minister. The spokesman of the government, Sibeth Ndiaye, expressed the “disappointment” of the majority, which recorded scores sometimes “extremely disappointing” because of its “divisions” during the municipal. Small consolation, François Bayrou, head of the MoDem, was re-elected in Pau. And in Bordeaux, the outgoing mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc (candidate LR supported by The Republic walk) keeps his seat.

THE RN WON PERPIGNAN. The “republican front” has not worked in Perpignan, where the candidate of the RN Louis Aliot won by 53.1% to 54% of the vote in the face of the outgoing mayor Jean-Marc Pujol (LR), according to estimates. With its 120 000 inhabitants, it is the largest city conquered by the RN from Toulon (1995-2001). “A victory symbolic and a real place, because we will also be able to demonstrate that we are able to manage large communities,” said Marine Le Pen.

GOOD RESISTANCE OF the TRADITIONAL PARTIES, the PS AND LR. in Addition to Hidalgo, who retains Paris, the PS guard to Lille, where Martine Aubry wins narrowly his 4th term, with only 227 votes difference against its competitor environmentalist Stéphane Baly. Socialists win Nancy (Matthew Klein wins against the outgoing mayor radical Laurent Hénart), and also retain Rennes, Nantes and Le Mans. The First secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, welcomed the “great victories” won by the socialists and the environmentalists, often collected in the second round.

To the right, Republicans remain Toulouse, where the outgoing mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc (supported by The Republic on) wins. In Nice, the outgoing mayor Christian Estrosi (The Republicans) has claimed victory in his city, and in Aix-en-Provence, the LR Maryse Joissains-Masini was re-elected, with 43.5 % of the vote. According to the president of LR Christian Jacob, his party “revives the victory” by winning “more than half of the towns and cities of over 9,000 inhabitants.” (With AFP)

Read also >> local Elections : France is going green

23: 06 – VIDEO. Agnes Buzyn : “We are proud to have carried the votes of the presidential majority”

23: 05 – Agnès Buzyn is not elected to the Council of Paris

Agnès Buzyn, who has conducted a campaign fraught, is not elected to the Council of Paris. According to the mayor of Paris, the score of the candidate LREM will not allow him to sit in the deliberating assembly. The ex-minister of Health, arrived in third position, with 13 % of the vote.

Agnès Buzyn “will not be in the Council of Paris, she will be advisor of the district, sitting alone,” said Geoffroy Boulard, the outgoing mayor of the 17th arrondissement, where was the head of the list Ms. Buzyn. The candidate of The Republic in march was entered into campaign on 16 February, after the resignation of Benjamin Griveaux, following the publication of an intimate video.

23: 01 – ANALYSIS. How to interpret the results of this second round of the municipal ?

Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg… The environmentalists will win several major French cities. “It was unexpected, but not at this point, the left-wing back to health in the second round…” Read the analysis of our journalist Jérôme Cordelier, head of the political department of the Point >> municipal Elections : France green

22: 50 – VIDEO. Rachida Dati is pleased to have “straightened the right-to-Paris”

Candidate unhappy to the city of Paris, Rachida Dati has collected only 32 % of the vote, far behind the 50,2 % Anne Hidalgo. The candidate LR, which remains the mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris, has expressed that Sunday evening, and is pleased to have ” straightened the right-to-Paris “. “I led this campaign in clarity and consciousness, without betraying my convictions. […] we have made life values, hope “, she also commented.

22: 43 pm – VIDEO. Yannick Jadot : “Against winds and tides, environmentalists have won ! “

22: 37 – Surprise at Auxerre, which passes to the right

The candidate The Republicans Crescent Marault was taken to Auxerre by surprise this Sunday evening. This contractor juppéiste was previously mayor of a small municipality to the suburbs. M. Marault was elected with 49,02 % of the vote in the face of the outgoing mayor Guy Férez (38,43 %), representing the left hand to the head of the city since 2001.

“It’s a surprise, actually,” said the future mayor, referring to “a beautiful victory”. Supported by the PS and LREM, the mayor defeated, was came second (33 %) in the first round, four points behind M. Marault. But Guy Férez could expect to receive the report of the vote of part of the voters, environmentalists after having merged with the list EELV Maud Navarra (10.9% in the first round).

22: 34 – VIDEO. The socialist Nathalie Appéré re-elected without difficulty in Rennes

The mayor of Rennes Nathalie Appéré (PS), who had merged his list with that of the environmentalists, was easily re-elected Sunday with 65,35 % of the vote for a second term at the head of the breton capital. “This landslide victory, I welcome it with emotion and pride,” responded Mrs. Appéré in a press release. “Our city is today to the outpost, at the national level, a social force-ecologist on which it will rely in the coming years.”

The candidate LREM Carole Gandon, who wanted to “Reveal Rennes”, comes in 2nd with 17,49 %, followed by the candidate for various right Charles Mate with 17,15 %. The abstention was massive in this city; 68,32 %. In the capital of brittany, led by the socialists since 1977, the mayor outbound was topped with 32,81 % of the votes on 15 march, ahead of the ecologist Matthew Theurier, who had made a breakthrough with 25,59 % of the vote.

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