flourishing Islands on public land in the municipality of Eurasburg: to ensure the Local Agenda in the future.

Eurasburg –A Meadow at the entrance of Achmühle the eyes of Carola Belloni and Wolfgang Neuerburg fixtures: waist-high stork sprout there, pointed beak, pointed chervil and red clover, white Daisies and purple vetch. Between the grasses and flowers, bees and Bumble bees are buzzing around the Wild, beetle clinging to long Blades of grass.

Such a blooming Islands, the environmental and energy officer and the head of the Local Agenda in many Places in the municipality of Eurasburg. “We would like that everything is a bit more colorful,” says Belloni. “We wanted to improve the diversity of species and the insects die, contrary to taxes,” adds new castle. To bees and other insects to create a year-round basis for life, wants to propose the Agenda in the future, wild flowers on public land. The idea developed from the sustainability strategy, which was approved at the request of the Green group in the last term, by the municipal Council.

citizens of wild flower seeds, donations

is Now in demand by the citizens. “Where wild flowers grow in the garden, called on the people to donate seeds,” says new castle. Because purchased seed mixtures are often used for native soils to be unsuitable, wool to create the municipality’s own supply of wild flower seeds, explains Moritz Sappl. “You must remain to push and turn. The call today will serve as preparation for 2021“, the Eurasburger mayor. Until next spring time, to make areas suitable for “wild flowers of the Islands” to find is now to prepare this, and then the seeds to bring in the donations of the citizens, until then, plenty of it.

How it works Wolfgang of new castle, says: “he Who has on his land, wild flowers, and it should be almost to the seeds are ripe, then the stems with the seed capsule cut and hang upside down for a week or two in a paper bag or a fabric bag. So long to dry out seeds solve, or alone, drop off – in the bag. Alternatively, you could place the plants to Dry on paper. Taboo the storage in plastic films or bags, because it could form mold. In the city hall of the dried seed is collected.

people closer to nature to bring

stresses the Way they want to bring through the action of the people, “the nature and context make it plain”, Carola Belloni. For example, in making the people aware of that and why blades of Grass are important for butterflies, and what will be the Benefit for the insect, if the stay wild flowers longer.

people who participate want to, but are unsure, get help. A list of wild flower species can be found on the website of the municipality in the near future. In addition, you could look on the Internet or in books to determine the species. “If you are in doubt, we can also take a photo and email us. We’ll be in touch,“ says Belloni.

Also of interest: a New exhibition in Kloster Beuerberg opened Pentecost

A tip of the environment, interested fellow should be representative but not necessarily heed, especially if you want to collect on walks through the natural wild flowers in the Meadow to collect, but only at the edge. “Otherwise, what you want to get trampled.”


A list of interesting wild flower mixtures can be found under www.eurasburg.de/umwelt. Photos and questions can be emailed to: umweltenergie@eurasburg.de. Anyone who wants to contribute to the project “the return of The wild flowers”, should refer to the Agenda ( wolfgangneuerburg@gmx.de).


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Like a Eurasburger the discoverer of the Karwendel
