A wild chase was on Saturday night a motorist to the police in the district of Starnberg. His reckless behavior endangered several lives.

A motorist has been in the night to Sunday (31 May), a high-speed chase with the police delivered. The 33-Year-old raced on ruthless way by several places. Only a targeted drive was able to maneuver to stop him.

Wörthsee – on Saturday night (31. May 2020) was a Patrol of the traffic police Fürstenfeldbruck in the village of Wörthsee on the Starnberg lake to drivers carefully. The 33-Year-old drove around 0.15 am with unnecessarily switched on the Fog lights by the place.

Instantly the public a mug were involved, according to the car a, at the several police patrols, as well as a police helicopter launched. The police don’t exist, which is why a helicopter was used. Probably a quick arrest of the driver was not initially possible. It is not, however, managed to stop the driver along with his car. Even as the 33-Year-old with his car a Stop-Stick “hit, damaged the tires of the car, put” continued the man easily and raced up the police cars.

chase on A99 and A96: man resting on officials

Using coarse reckless and dangerous way of driving the man fled the places of the Inning, Wörthsee, Oberpfaffenhofen, Gilching and Germering. Finally, the Verfolgungsjag d to A99 , and finally A96 . shifted to the

The public built a road block , to move the 33-Year-old to Stop . This detent, however, with a high rate of speed on the officials. Also warning shots were not able to stop the driver, so the officers had to Dodge.

just a few days ago a cinematic chase police Department helicopter took place in Munich. She moved, however, until after the middle of Franconia, and took several spectacular twists and turns.

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police ended chase: the driver was on drugs

Only close the connection Laim could the 33-Year-old through a targeted maneuver stopped and arrested. According to initial findings, the man was under the influence of drug . This was also the reason for his escape from a control, wherein the reckless behavior, as well as the resistance against the officers Year, are likely to worsen the Situation for the 33-now.

was Fortunately injured in the use nobody. It is a property, however, there was damage to several vehicles.

The driver’s license of the Allingers could still be ensured, a criminal case was initiated against him.

also read: police officers conducted a traffic control on the motorway ring A99. As a 43-freaked-Year-old. He insulted the officers and showed them the “windshield wiper”. Then it went to chase.