CSU leader Markus Söder holds in spite of the debacle of the new catalog of fines to the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU). In the ZDF-“summer interview” said Söder but careful criticism and called the amendment to the road traffic regulations (StVO) “gone bad”. “This is very, very annoying and it needs to be worked up”, called Söder. Scheuer told “now you have the opportunity to enlighten”.

ZDF-“summer interview” with Söder in the Live Stream, see how to:

The “summer interview” with Markus Söder is on Sunday, to see 19.10 in the ZDF.

  • “summer interview” with Söder: Live Stream of ZDF

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Söder to hold, despite the debacle of new fine catalog of scuff-proof

Due to a formal error in the amendment of the StVO, the controversial new regulations are not legally binding and tougher penalties for speeders for the time being, off the table. The Minister of transport wants to connect to the correction of this error, with a mitigation of the penalties for speeding offences. Currently, the old schedule of fines shall continue to apply.

Scheuer is also due to the Car-toll debacle under pressure. He had closed in 2018 and contracts to collect toll even before the final law of security over the former prestige project of the CSU. In June 2019, the European court of justice (ECJ) overturned the toll-plans, because these foreign motorists discriminates.

Whether or not Scheuer is responsible for claims for damages in the amount of 560 millions of Euro, must now clear up a Committee of inquiry, said Söder. “I don’t want to prejudge what comes out of it.”

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