The Smartphone has long been part of many elementary students to the everyday life. However, before parents to now the beginning of the new school year, the school starter in the school bag to give a gift, you should prefer to wait until. Experts hold the Small not yet sufficiently Mature – this is the same for the entire time in primary school. Questions and answers.

What speaks for a Smartphone in the school bag?

The digital Association Bitkom called for in the past year, mobile phones are also the Smallest. With a law on digital participation also of children, the lobby, the Association founded the. Some parents keep the own mobile phone for children is also essential, among other things, to be able to kids always.

What speaks against a cell phone for first graders?

expert by the Federal Ministry for family Affairs supported the Initiative “Schau hin!” is not to keep the children in the primary school age in a simple yet sufficiently Mature. Only eleven or twelve years of the necessary maturity is reached – this is only a primary school education. Experts justify this with the lack of Ability to assess the dangers of the Internet correctly. In addition, the many functions of the device are overwhelming. The lack of assets, the estimate of cost comes in both the acquisition as well as in the current contract.

the families of the victims, the Smartphone basically for children?

no, to make your own experience with a Smartphone or a Tablet can be at this age, according to the experts makes sense. This is a basic requirement, however, that a daily time of use agreed upon and then adhered to. In the age of the first graders, this should not be more than 30 minutes is the recommendation. For such times, the children need not have its own device – this can also be one of the parents.

read also: According to age – digital trainer tells you how much time children maximum on cell phone

should be: What is the Alternative?

Many parents want to just can the usual become constant accessibility to your child constantly reaching, for example, on the way back from school. For this classic Phone and traditional mobile phones but without access to the Internet. These are available on the market and cost considerably less than Smartphones.

With the note, that another child has, but already have a Smartphone, try to persuade children fond of their parents. Here, parents should be clear in your Position. It can help to leave the child for a limited period of time, the own Smartphone. In addition, the example of parents plays a role. Anyone who is aware of for certain amount of times offline, it can also convey a convincing to the children.

see also: school bag Tinker – Why is the “sugar bag” for children, it is important to

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