In an Interview with the “mirror”, said the statistician Peter Klimek (37), what conclusions he and his Team of Complexity Science Hub Vienna in the framework of a new study. Overall, data from 76 countries and regions have been analyzed in order to determine the most effective methods to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

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“first of all, the closures of schools, kindergartens and universities are very effective,”

“So slowly, the fog lifts,” said Klimek the sheet. Because, in the meantime, data collection is not based only on speculation that the Figures were now clearer. “First of all, the closures of schools, kindergartens and universities are very effective, have shown, our calculation models,” the statistician, more. That is not likely to lie, according to the researchers, however, just the fact that contagions in schools would be prevented.

“It could be, for example, that the school closures […] were so effective, because the parents were more at home for Homeschooling and less had the opportunity, on the go or at work to infect,” citing the “mirror” Klimek. The exact mechanisms, the study of the Viennese research team declare though. “But it makes clear what works and what doesn’t,” says Klimek. dpa/Patrick Pleul/dpa-Central picture/dpa/picture Icon In an empty classroom, the chairs are on the tables.

limitation of social contacts tremendously important

Also, the restriction of social contacts in the private and professional sector turned out in the course of the investigation as extremely important to the spread of the Coronavirus curb. Although, there is a striking “infection cluster is clear” by Grand events, private Meetings significantly more fire would be, however, flock.

The context should not be allowed to leave, however, except Eight. A single mass event could be “the source of dozens of clusters in the family or operational area,” says Klimek. To keep such infection events under control, is no longer possible, the contact tracking will always be more difficult.

communication and travel restrictions show value

The third place of the most effective Corona-measures used in the study of crisis communication. Because by your “gigantic width effect” will influence the behavior of the citizens. “As a result, it can keep a very accurate effect, the public did not plan and monitor, for example, as to Distance and wash hands at the workplace to implement,” said Klimek, the “mirror”.

The European centre for disease prevention and control (ECDC) had to agree to be referred to travel restrictions previously considered to be a little more efficient, a statement of the Klimek. “Travel restrictions are highly effective,” he said to the “mirror”. Austria is the best example, because “from abroad and imported clusters and foci of infection” list, you increase again since the beginning of the travel time in June.

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fines and railway rules will make according to the study, no difference

A national Lockdown, according to the researchers rather of minor importance, especially since each country will interpret such a Lockdown is different. It is a combination of many individual is always able to “measures, all of which are differently effective, depending on the Timing and the socio-economic environment,” said Klimek. Basically, pressure from the government is never the best way to respond to such a crisis.

“We know by our study that, for example, rules for buses and subway cars is hardly a role to play and that painful fines will hardly make a difference,” says the statistician. Finally, Klimek appealed: “Instead of economically extremely harmful to the Lockdown methods, we should first set on the most elegant, cheapest, and smartest in the medium: communication and Information.”

images show, such as Corona-deniers, Dunja Hayali harass and insult FOCUS Online/Wochit shots show how Corona-deniers, Dunja Hayali harass and offend The refugee issue complains Merz three Times about the “shame of Europe”, FOCUS Online/Wochit At the issue of refugees complains Merz three Times about the “shame of Europe”
