Still, it’s not in most German cities, at first glance, much different than prior to the Corona-crisis. Maybe a little less people on the road. However, most of the shops are again opened, and the number of business tasks is limited. But that could soon change. After all, in many German inner cities, a bankruptcy wave is from the autumn onwards.

is making headlines at the Moment, especially with the planned closure of Germany’s 50 or more Department stores of Galeria, Karstadt and Kaufhof. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. Also many of the other shops in the pedestrian zones could be scheduled soon to be a clearance sale. The trade Association Germany (HDE) warns that the Corona could mean crisis for around 50,000 shops.

expert warns of “triple Tsunami”

“The inner cities have to do it with a triple Tsunami: the structural change in the retail industry, the digitalization and the Corona pandemic. Together the for the trade to be a challenge, as he has perhaps never experienced,“ stresses the managing Director of the Cologne Institute for trade research (IFH), Boris Hedde. (Display)

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And also the real estate expert of the Cologne trade research Institute EHI retail Institute Marco Atzberger, warns: “The melting process that we have been watching for years in the stationary trade, and particularly in the textile trade, is accelerated by the Corona-crisis once again. Trade, local authorities and landlords need to work together, to the slow death of many shopping streets to counteract.“

Ex-Karstadt-store stand 19 years empty and then it was.

demolished For unrest in many communities especially, the closure plans of Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof worries currently Because the purchase of houses magnets in many pedestrian zones, still as a Customer, without which the Survival is for the dealers in the neighborhood difficult. Furthermore, experience has shown that it is often difficult to find a new use for former Department stores. You’ve come too large and often too much in the years, in order to be Readily available for a new tenant, attractive.

So in the Hessian town of Rüsselsheim in the year 2000 closed Karstadt Department store for 19 years, blank, before the concrete block was demolished this spring. On the former Department store site is now apartments and public offices are to be created. At Delmenhorst in lower Saxony, the former Karstadt is a Department store for the past eleven years.

Esprit is trying to close 50 stores

Often, it requires a bit of imagination, a new use for a were to find the house location. In Oberhausen, it took eight years, until the 2012 closed the Kaufhof building a few weeks ago, after extensive renovation, the Arthotel Ana work opened. In schleswig-Holstein, Rendsburg, the former Hertie is rebuilt in-house to a retirement home with 110 beds. (Display)

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Nevertheless, it Would be: Galeria, Karstadt, Kaufhof, a single case – the Concerns of many of the cities would probably be lower. But the group is not alone. In the fashion sector is the problem: From it’s not a Cupper on hallhuber up to a sense of Esprit to Tom Tailor are piling up-of-date. Alone Esprit wants to close as part of its restructuring efforts, about half of the stores in Germany – a total of around 50 shops.

expert predicts return of the craftsmen and DIY

Many companies, especially from the fashion industry, it was before the pandemic well. The advent of the online trade and the success of Fast Fashion suppliers such as Primark or Zara, they had to reset only a little. The Coronavirus met for the dealers, so to speak, to pre-damaged victims.

In the next few years could change the image of many inner cities dramatically. The fashion trade is expected to be dominate in the future less heavily. “Crafts, services, furniture or DIY stores and food discounters will return again in the inner cities,” predicts to trade expert Hedde.

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the President of The German Association of cities, Leipzig’s mayor Burkhard Jung (SPD), wants to Live besides, “more and more” in the centre allow you to keep business from collapsing. Unemployed? These are 10 things you need to know, Our PDF guide explains how you can apply for money and what else you need to know, if you become unemployed.To the PDF guide

The reinvention of the city centre for many municipalities is quite a Chance. Because even before the Corona-crisis, the shopping streets were within the German inner cities, the majority of consumers for, at most, lukewarm enthusiasm. In the case of a published last year IFH-survey of more than 59.000 downtown visitors in 116 cities in the consumers gave the city centers, on average, only the grade of “Three plus”.

locations away from the city centres more attractive

And for some, shopping street, away from the city centres of the Corona could open crisis, even with new perspectives, believes Hedde. “The willingness of consumers to take while shopping for a long way in purchasing, drops. The convenience and the desire for a close-to-home shopping is growing.“

The expert says: “If by the Corona-crisis the home office wins on duration, in importance, can breathe also locations away from the city centres, which seemed to have no more perspective, new life.”

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