the alarm clock Rings, open your eyes. And the first gesture of the day is girarnos to the smartphone to turn off the alarm or see what time it is. The phone is the first thing that we use in the morning and we do not separate from him until we go to bed, many hours later. In a few years, this mobile device has become an essential element in our lives and the forecasts indicate that its use will continue to grow in the future.

The analyst firm IDC Research estimates that by 2023, is to reach 1520 million mobile phones, with an average annual growth rate of 1.6% in the period 2018-2023. The technology 5G will play a key role in the short and medium term, as within four years will represent 26.3% of total sales. And that will mean a deep and radical change in all spheres of our daily activity, because their possibilities are extraordinary.

But we don’t anticipemos to what is to come and go little by little. Today, 80% of the world’s population has a mobile phone, and more than a billion units are smartphones. Currently, we use our mobile phones an average of 150 times a day, and nine out of ten people are unable to spread to more than a meter away from your device.

why do we use it? For almost everything: to listen to music, catch up with the newspapers, to photograph and record videos (does anyone remember the cameras?), check the time, play video games, seek information about traffic, locate addresses in maps, plan a trip, manage our daily agenda, communicate through social networking, read and send emails, watch television, make efforts of all kinds (banking and administrative, among others), shop, work… The list is endless, which shows that today the phone, beyond its traditional use, it serves for almost everything. It is a tool that makes our life easier and closer than ever to the people.

Thanks to the technological advances that are coming, many of them associated with the technology for 5G, your possibilities will multiply in the coming years. Related aspects the augmented reality and virtual reality will become a part of our day-to-day. All this will be possible thanks to the higher speed, lower latency and greater capacity that involves the 5G, and that it will make the Internet of Things (IoG, for its acronym in English) until unsuspected limits.

Fill the fridge, or provide medicine

The IoG will allow a world ultraconectado that will display the driving autonomously, the surgery remote and telemedicine, the games immersive, the automation of industrial processes… Today, all this sounds like science fiction, but it will be reality in a very short time. Due to the placement of sensors in our homes that we know through our mobile, for example, if the temperature in our house is cold, and connect the heating via your smartphone. Or will we know if our fridge is running empty and you have to replace certain foods. We will even have sensors in our body that inform us in real time of potential health problems.

In some way is what already happens with smart watches: they measure the hours of sleep, the times of rest, the frequency with which we drink water, the exercise that we perform… If we do a responsible use, the smartwatches can help improve our daily habits. Exactly the same will happen with mobile, that will be even more integrated in areas almost unsuspected of our lives. Will be, for example, able to detect spoiled food or providing medicines. To some extent, the technological advances will turn the smartphone into an appendage of our body.

With a single click, manage our medical consultations, we know what exercise we should do and how much time. We will control our own well-being, but also we will know in a matter of seconds what jams there are in the city and what transportation alternative is best to move around in it. The same thing will happen (is already happening) in the context of our economy: through the mobile we have control of our bank accounts, we can make the arrangements immediately, quick and convenient; it is possible to pay or buy in directly to the terminal any product, and that the movement appears immediately on the screen…

‘CaixaBank Sign’: operations free codes

This trend is already unstoppable. CaixaBank, for example, exceeds one million customers signing up its operations of digital banking with the mobile through the application CaixaBank Sign, without the need to enter codes. It is the only mobile app specific of these features of the entire Spanish financial system. A tool that improves the customer experience and gives greater confidence to users to perform their operations online.


In short, a universe vast possibilities that help us better manage our lives, our health and our time. Or what is the same, to live better.