The chat pervades everything: first it was WhatsApp and similar applications who desbancaron completely to the old-fashioned SMS, then content apps social photos as Snapchat or Instagram also gave the step, and now it is the turn of Google Photos. The popular tool of storage and management of photographs of the Mountain View just unveiled a curious built-in messaging system in your own mobile application; it may seem a paradoxical motion, but what is certain is that it has its sense.

What can having a photo service with other messaging? Since Google have been very skilled to understand that the communication through the internet there are no watertight compartments: the user wants solutions and would prefer to give the minimum possible steps to achieve them. In this sense, the integration of a chat service into Google Photos makes things very easy to share content and build links.

A conversation from a photo

The operation of this new system, all in all, it is a bit confusing at the start. There is a specific application of messaging, but this engine is integrated within the interface of the application itself, photo: the user is what you will find when you decide to share a photo -or set of them – and choose the new option, “Send through Google Photos”. What happens next? The system will propose a series of contacts with which we have more relationship through the platform, and by clicking on its icon, it will show on the screen the classical structure of chat that we already know of other services.

as of this point, the conversation takes place in real time with the partner as it would in any other messaging app. And it is here where we find the first limitation of this service: it is only compatible with users who have a Google account, a minor problem because really what is difficult is to find someone who doesn’t have Gmail or any service of the umbrella of this giant. Once established, the conversation, the system opens a private channel with that contact (or contact group, if it so elects the sender) that is already open in the user menu.

the tortuous path of The chat in Google

why has built-in Google this service? Although it may seem like a strange movement, the maneuver can be very effective, as the bulk of the communications in the network portion of the multimedia content: a vacation, a situation humorous, travel… any excuse is good to send a photo and be able to establish a conversation from it without having to leave the platform, you can increase the linking of subscribers to the service with the product and the time to add more users.

Despite all of this, Google has always had a tortuous journey when it comes to messaging applications, having left a lot of dead bodies along the way, with ambitious projects like Google Allo who ended up in dry dock. Incorporating a chat to Google Photos, it is less risky since it does not require anyone to change platform, but that is presented as a value-added service. This service has begun to distribute early in December for users of iOS, Android and web at the global level.