Since the 17th of last march, France is living at the time of the confinement. More than sixty million French should stay at home, wait until the health situation improves before resuming a “normal” life. Over the past three weeks, and even a bit before for some, words like ” coronavirus “, ” plot “, ” masks “, or… “bread” have occupied a major place in our lives. It is this that explains The World, which analyzed the research the most common search engine Google, which is mapping the sketch of a portrait digital of the French confined.

The sars coronavirus is the product of a gigantic conspiracy ? While one French person in four thinks that the Illuminati manipulate us, according to a study by the Fondation Jean-Jaurès, this question has received a very important. However, in a first time, this is the pangolin, the first culprit designated, which drew all eyes and digital. While the containment was not yet in place, the French were looking for already symptoms of the disease. We also note that the research is more important in regions affected heavily by the disease : Alsace, france or even the north of Corsica. On the other hand, if it is known that the loss of taste and smell is now a part of the potential consequences of the coronavirus, there is no direct correlation to the level of the research.

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hydroxychloroquine, a fascination French

This is the debate that has shaken France in recent weeks : hydroxychloroquine. The treatment is presented by professor Didier Raoult as the solution to the epidemic of coronavirus. If even Donald Trump has gotten into the act, it is, according to Google, a subject that remains very French. We see, in contrast, also peaks of research in Senegal, Cameroon or Ivory Coast. In Italy, the people are rather knowledgeable about Avigan. For its part, the remdesivir has received an echo in different countries across the world.

In the health-care field still, many French have sought how to make a mask, based on the many tutorials that have been posted online. Thus, the 4 April, the manufacture of masks or the sewing machine were part of the ” trending searches “, that is to say, the queries performed by users on Google that had the highest increase in 24 hours. The night before, Jerome Solomon, the director-general of Health, urged the public to wear “if he wants” a mask.

also Read Too fast, too blurry, too risky… When the déconfinement anxiety

bread and games

the power supply in The period of containment has been a challenge for many households. The period has to be wrong with our diet, but it has also led to a boom of… bread. A growing number of French and wanted to produce it at home. The World refers to an explosion in the viewing of videos of kitchen on YouTube (+ 800 %) and research related to flour. In addition, whereas the flour and eggs are sometimes become a rare commodity, the recipes of cakes that can happen to one or the other have also experienced peaks of attendance. The French have even been four times more likely to learn about the… hens. A similar phenomenon is found on the interest for gardening, yaourtières or robots cookers. For this the wine on the other hand, the addition promises to be more full-bodied. While the sector could emerge weakened from the crisis, research on this alcohol are down. Furthermore, online games have enjoyed a success very important : Minecraft, Fortnite, or Animal Crossing in mind.

Finally, if the singles are ” frustrated “, there has been no increase in research related to pornographic sites. Thus, in mid-April, the figures would be even lower. On the other hand, on the side of the couples, it is the opposite phenomenon has been observed, including tips on how to spice up the lives of two. Now only remains to know what will remain of all this Monday night.

writing will advise you

The view of France, confined : “what sauce shall we be eaten ? “Paris is (still) confined, but Paris (already) released Déconfinement : the government holds his breath, The teen and the Covid :” We are happy to see each other, we don’t care of the risks ! “It was Paris at the time of the confinement Coronavirus and 5G : the conspiracy theory that embraces the United Kingdom