The record has been reached during the confinement. Between the 6th and the 12th of April last, the sickness Insurance funds have paid more than a million tele-consultation. Far short of the 150,000 medical acts “in line” reported to the social Security between September 2018 and December 2019 !

It must be said that in the spring of last year, a large number of practitioners have shifted on the Net, using the devices of communications to be able to continue their activity. It is as well to Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, or FaceTime… that a good number of French have sought some 225 000 doctors in france. The Point you discover six specialized platforms that have seen their attendance climb with the rebound of the pandemic.

Read also the Face of coronavirus, the boom of the tele-consultation

Biloba, for the health of small

The app Biloba takes the form of a cat medical. “The idea is to propose to the patients to ask their questions as by SMS,” says Benjamin Hardy. © DRLancée last April, this app teleconsultation medical pediatric draws its name from a tree with healing powers, according to the textbooks of traditional chinese medicine. The originality of this platform is its economic model. “For 5,99 € per month (or 34,99 € for a year), our subscribers can ask our doctors, as many times as they wish, and this, seven days a week,” explains Benjamin Hardy, his co-founder. This son of a doctor, married to a general practitioner, was launched, with Baptiste Rousseau, a first medical application (Biloba vaccine) two years ago to ensure the follow-up vaccination of children. “Biloba immediate consultation is its logical extension “, emits the contractor for 36 years, passed by the school of computer engineer Épitech.

“the idea of The Biloba is above all to reassure parents of young children by allowing them to quickly access a health professional (four doctors and six nurses, supervised by Emilie Eyssartier, surgeon and pediatric at the CHU of Angers),” he continued. Benjamin Hardy defends himself wanting to ” break the course of care of patients. “We’re here mainly to indicate to our customers if the problem that they tell us needs to seek emergency care from a specialist. We do the sorting between the little and the big booboos, and strive to guide parents to the right doctors, ” says-t it. Biloba claims, to this day, 15 000 subscribers and 200 daily consultations. Three months after its creation, the start-up has just raised € 1.2 million from investors in germany and austria to launch apps in other countries of Europe.

Medadom, a general practitioner in a pharmacy

Founded in 2017 by two doctors (Charles and Elijah-Dan Mimouni) and a graduate (Nathaniel Bern), the app Medadom proposes to link patients and doctors in record time. And this, via his mobile phone, a tablet or a computer, but also thanks to cabins that are connected are installed in nearly 450 pharmacies across the country. “These terminals are equipped with blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, dermatoscopes, pulse oximeters, and otoscopes allow us to provide tele-consultation to people who live in medical deserts,” notes Nathaniel Bern.

The company Medadom has installed its device terminal is connected, in nearly 450 pharmacies across the country. © DRFort supported by 80 doctors, reserving to turn a range of time from Monday to Sunday between the hours of 9 and 22 hours, the Internet platform also makes a point of getting an appointment with a gp or a specialist in less than ten minutes. “For the past three years, more than 100 000 people have used our services. And we have some days up to 1,000 consultations, such as on the 13th July last, ” adds Nathaniel Bern, which emphasizes that the tele-consultation are now fully reimbursed by the social Security. With the health crisis, things have accelerated for Medadom. The start-up is increased from 5 to 35 employees in just a few months, and the three founders are about to close a new fund-raising to move to the higher speed. Goal : 2 000 terminals are connected, installed at the end of the year 2020. “We hope that this will reduce congestion in the emergency services. Twenty million people arrive each year, because they have not been able to get an appointment with their doctor. This figure could be divided by two “, wants to believe Nathaniel Bern, which also installs its cabins in the town halls of rural communities.The start-up Medadom installs hundreds of booths of tele-consultation, of this style, across the country. © DR

Doctolib against the medical desert ?

It no longer Doctolib. The website, which ambition was in 2013 to replace the secretariats of doctors for appointment scheduling tackles for the past two years in the market of teleconsultation. Over the last six months, nearly 1.5 million of the French are connected to his site to see a gp or a specialist, and more than 4.6 million prescriptions have been written, by, through.

a hell of A boom when it is known that in February of last year, only 40 000 tele-consultation had been carried out. One way to fight, again, against the medical deserts ? Not sure. The region francilienne truste the first places of the tele-consultation. One-third of the doctors registered on Doctolib work in the paris region and half of the medical acts carried out “in-line” have been registered since the beginning of the epidemic, in only two regions : the Ile-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, whereas these two regions only account for 30 % of the French population.

Stanislas Niox-Chateau, the company’s chairman, played down these figures in the JDD : “The number is obviously proportional to that of physicians, but tele-consultations has also increased in areas where practitioners are few in number…” he argues.

Read also When doctors attack the site Doctolib

Qare plays the card psy

The start-up French Qare is trying to block the road to the Swedish Livi. © DRLe website makes it clear that the site Qare is not an emergency service. It does not prevent. In presenting a list of practitioners almost immediately available, this app does not conceal not want to compete with the association SOS Doctors. 7 hours to 23 hours (the hour French time), on weekdays and at the weekend, this telemedicine platform offers consultations in more than 40 specialties. By putting the hand on Doctopsy, site, specialized, as its name indicates, mental health services, this company muscle its bid, bringing to nearly one thousand the number of practitioners partners.

After having raised 20 million euros from Kamet Ventures, the investment fund of the insurer Axa, the company now displays the target of 15 000 doctors registered by 2021, and aims a patientèle of French expatriates. The prescriptions issued by the doctors of Qare mention the international nonproprietary name of the pharmaceutical products prescribed to be able to be read by pharmacists around the world.

Livi, the medicine coming from the cold

The first actor of telemedicine in Europe is Swedish. Created in 2015 by Fredrik Jung Abbou, Joachim Hedenius, Johannes Schildt, Josefin Landgård, the group Kry has developed a simple interface for vidéosconsultations on smartphone and tablet. Developed under the trade name (Livi), this application is poised to become leader in the sector of e-health on the French market thanks to a marketing campaign offensive multiplying the podcasts medical sponsored dealing specifically with diseases that are difficult to admit to her family doctor.

Present on the French market since September 2018, the platform Livi, already installed in five european countries, including Norway, Great Britain and Germany, has raised € 140 million last January to ” expand into new territories “. France is clearly one of them.

TeladocHealth, the giant american lands also

By purchasing the site Mé last year, the american group Teladoc Health has made a breakthrough on the French market. © DRLe redemption on the French site MédecinDirect by the american giant TeladocHealth, in march 2019, was reported in the beginning of the great maneuvers of concentration on the maché ultra competitive telemedicine hex. It also marked the arrival in France of the largest operator in western. (The two biggest companies in e-health are chinese with WeDoctor, developed by the group Tencent, which claims nearly 2 million tele-consultation per month, and AliHealth, a subsidiary of AliBaba, which ensures to deliver more than 3 000 medical prescriptions… per hour !).

after More than a year, dominated by the exponential growth of the demand in the United States – the quarterly figures published by the group, in mid-July, and reflect a growth of nearly 100 % in addition to-Atlantic –, TeladocHealth seems to have shelved its development in France at a later date. The site does not recruit less actively of the doctors on our territory, multiplying the number of agreements with mutuals and insurance companies for the tele-consultation to become a alternative to meeting you ” face-to-face “.