With the higher amount of goals, wants Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), the last floor of the Expansion of renewable energies speed up again. Citizens, as well as Location local authorities are in future to be financially involved in new wind energy installations. Thus, the acceptance should be increased. So it is in the draft from the Ministry of economy for a Reform of the EEG, the FOCUS Online is.

the Expansion of The wind increases its force. By 2030, 65 per cent of electricity in Germany from renewable energies. The main obstacles for the Expansion of protectors long approval process, lack of space, as well as protests and lawsuits by local residents and nature. Energy associations and environmentalists had repeatedly criticized the slow implementation of plans for faster Expansion.

Altmaier wants to be increased to “Südquote” and municipality of Bonus in the case of wind energy

the Expansion of wind energy in the country. The cut should be built in the coming years, plants with a capacity of four gigawatts. More wind turbines less output locations are mainly in the South built, there should be a “Südquote”. Also in the case of solar energy, the newly installed capacity is set to rise.

Altmaiers Plan: the operator of the new wind turbines will in future have to pay the local municipality per year of 0.2 cents per kilowatt-hour for the actual quantity of current fed. This can mean for a community of millions of payments. At the same time the location of the municipalities should be compensated for impairments, for example, the landscape image. For residents cheaper electricity tariffs are planned.

renewable energy associations warn that the EEG-draft “patch kit”

With more than half a year’s delay of the draft for the EEG-Reform is now. The renewable energy associations have called for a Reform of the Reform: The fixed targets for renewable energies up to 2030 to be outdated soon again, and would have to be adapted to the soon formulated new climate protection targets of the EU. The planned EEG levy exemption for the production of hydrogen from renewable electricity is lacking.

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The Federal Association wind energy (BWE) noted that the existing strict regulations on the distance between wind turbines and residential would preclude development, such as in Bavaria, the planned financial incentives for municipalities. BWE President Hermann Albers warns that the upcoming EEG amendment should be no flicker stuff: “It is now in need of strong positive signals in the market, that the Renewables are to take and wanted. The wind industry waits for the relief in the approval process and a rapid Start-up of the area of deployment in the countries“.

the “green energy gap Threatens us by 2030”?

In Germany will be switched off until the end of 2022 the last nuclear power plant, not later than 2038, the climate-damaging coal-fired power generation should be terminated. Without faster Expansion of renewable energies are threatening from the point of view of climate the German climate activists to targets will be missed. For BWE-President, Albers of the EEG-draft picks, therefore, to short: “71 gigawatts of installed capacity of Wind in the country in the year 2030 will not be sufficient to meet the growing demand. The green energy gap threatens to continue.“ Return despite mini interest?

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After all, the old green electricity plants, whose remuneration is due to expire claim in 2021, according to the EEG-draft furthermore, the claim to priority feed-in into the electricity grid. The operator can therefore your generated electricity by the end of 2027 is also the network operator and receive the market value less the costs of Marketing. As a result, both a reduction of these investments as well as a “wild Feed should be prevented”.

BDEW missing “Push” for the solar energy

Also, the industry Association of the energy and water industry (BDEW) has discovered a hair in the soup. BDEW Boss Kerstin Andreae to the draft: “In the case of the solar energy has, unfortunately, failed to finally provide the necessary Push. This is particularly the case for the large potential for solar energy on so far unused roof surfaces. The sun’s energy in the cities, would have been necessary especially in the case of a self-supply of more courage.”

Only Baden-württemberg’s green energy Minister Franz untersteller and rejoiced in the Altmaier-design fully and sent in a hurry in a press release its approval of Stuttgart: “The design of Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, has a lot of good and important measures, such as the Südquote or the financial benefits for local communities. It is precisely these measures, we have long been calling for.“ Here instant loan compare easy and fast (display) For the Focus Online instant loan comparison

The design is now in the departmental vote, then to the Cabinet, and finally in the Bundestag. The EEG-Reform is supposed to 1. January 2021 to come into force. But as fast as it is not likely: economy and associations are to be heard and also the coalition factions of the CDU and the SPD want to deal with in detail in the Bundestag with the EEG. This had already led in the past to delays. The danger is that the novel device in the election campaign bluster 2021. This would mean a further Faltering of the energy transition. Dividends-expert Röhl explains the consequences of the Corona-crisis for the dividend FOCUS Online dividends-expert Röhl explains the consequences of the Corona-crisis for the dividend Jens Spahn convicted in the ZDF burgeoning hatred: “Where do the live?” FOCUS Online/Wochit Jens Spahn convicted in the ZDF burgeoning hatred: “Where do the live?”

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