Many Instagram users post pictures of themselves in black-and-white. To support action and empower women? Or another “Trend” to put themselves in the spotlight? Both are wrong: The Instagram Challenge comes from Turkey and has a serious Background.

There want to make women to the numerous murders of Women the attention that are currently rocking the country. With the black-and-white images, they wanted to remember the newspaper reports. They are symbolic of this is that it could meet any woman and to be a voice for those who can no longer speak for themselves.

Instagram-Challenge: Stars post Black-and-White-photos – behind

last year Alone, rights group died, according to the people, “We will stop women murders” 474 women by men’s violence. The number of unreported cases is probably higher.

Turkey signed the Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe, an international agreement to combat violence against women, but activists fear a withdrawal of Ankara from the agreement. The Deputy Chairman of the government party, Numan Kurtulmus, was referred to the signing of the beginning of this month as “wrong,” and for a withdrawal of plea. On Sunday rights activist went to, among others, in Ankara and Istanbul, home to the street to protest against it.

The Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe is obliged to classify the signatory States, any violence against women and girls, as well as all forms of domestic violence as a crime and against the discrimination of women. Recently, Poland announced the agreement to get off, which caused fierce criticism.

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