How much house you can afford as the average earner in Germany

From a storage chamber in Munich up to the Palace in the Vogtland: How large is the home in Germany may be, shall decide the situation. The circles are the maximum sizes in all German cities and the country.

750 euros, the German house buyers are on average per month for a real estate loan, and he brings approximately 21,000 euros in equity. This is evident from a study of the portal, Immobilienscout24. You can afford in Germany to some. In the average of this sum for a condo ranging from just under 94 square meters.

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This size, however, varies very much depending on your desired place of residence. change At least there is in and around Munich. The Bavarian state capital holds the Negative record According to a Focus-Online-evaluation on the basis of current purchase prices, determined by the Hamburg world economic Institute (HWWI), the average funding here only for the 22 square meter. The square meter here costs nearly 8100 Euro.

the island of Sylt, Hamburg and Frankfurt disturb Bavarian dominance

In the countryside, it looks a little better: The counties of Miesbach – the Tegernsee and the district of Starnberg, the lake of the same name come to 29 square meters. In the district of Munich are a 30, in the adjacent circles, Fürstenfeldbruck, Dachau (per 34sqm) and Ebersberg (35sqm) are only slightly more. Munich, occupied with its catchment area, so that seven of the ten most expensive regions of the country. Christoph Sackmann

in Between the large cities of Frankfurt am Main (30 sqm) and Hamburg (34sqm) a sort. Somewhat surprisingly in 2nd place with 27 square meters of the district of North Friesland, in Schleswig-Holstein. But to quickly explain: To him belongs the luxury island of Sylt, the real estate prices are pushing the average for the Region in the height.

inflation, prices in all the ten regions of increased adjusted compared to the previous year even. In North Friesland the square meter apartment today costs 14 percent more than in 2018, in Frankfurt, it is 11 percent. In Ebersberg, prices increased 2 percent in the slightest. Christoph Sackmann

cheapest big cities in the East

the major cities are in the Trend: In the seven largest cities of the country the prices have increased compared to 2018 by an average of 8.6 percent. In Cologne, they are still the lowest. Here, the average funding is sufficient for only 44 square meters of own home.

For the same sum, you can live in a Palace – at least in size. In Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia there are for 750 euros per month, on average, more than 150 square feet of living space. Even the big cities are still relatively cheap: Dresden comes to 69 square meters, Leipzig, 76, of Erfurt, 80 and Magdeburg, even at 119.

The bird is the Vogtland shoots but. In the südsächsischen area around Plauen you can afford with an average funding of 248 square feet of living space. This is more than eleven times as much space as in Munich. While prices are rising significantly: in 2019, it went up by 14.7 per cent, the price per square metre is now at 721 euros.

In the Top Ten of the regions with the lowest prices exclusively to areas in the East of Germany are to be found. Five times in that same Saxony is represented-Anhalt, three of Saxony and twice Thuringia. It’s not only rural districts: With Görlitz (220sqm) and Zwickau (211qm) make it to two cities in the list.

real estate prices rose an average of 9.3 percent

In the West of Germany’s eight regions and more than 150 square meters. They are distributed on four provinces. At the most there is in the town of Birkenfeld in Rhineland-Palatinate (197qm) to the lower Saxony Goslar (194qm). From Bavaria, for example, of Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge (155qm) far to the front, from North Rhine-Westphalia, the district of Höxter in Westphalia (158qm) and the Ruhr city of Gelsenkirchen (155qm).

Higher prices are all German counties and cities have in common. Average real estate prices in 2019 increased by 9.3 percent compared to the previous year. The square meter costs now 2282 Euro.

Only 31 German regions, the prices fell. Most of it went in Schmalkalden-Meiningen, in Thuringia, to the bottom, where the square meter costs today, 22.6 percent less than in 2018. Also of Stendal, in Saxony-Anhalt and the kyffhäuser County in Thuringia, declines in capture of more than ten percent. Among the more prominent places with falling prices in Flensburg, Germany (-1.1 percent) and Rostock (-2.0 percent).

A forecast for the current year but not read. Up to now, it is not foreseeable, such as the Corona-crisis on the real estate market will have an impact. The HWWI has moved its forecast in the autumn.

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