While the Coronavirus is more raging and its economic consequences are self-employed, as companies in trouble will bring, remains to be a sector more or less unfazed by the consequences of the pandemic: the real estate market. To lay as in a in spite of the reaction, the often prophesied scenario of a collapse of the prices, shows you the industry more robust.

The demand for houses and apartments is still high. Kai Enders, member of the Board Engel & Völkers: “The Corona pandemic leads in the short term, the relocation of Transactions, in the long term, it will not reduce the demand for Housing but. For many years, the demand for housing in many cities and regions exceeds the limited supply of real estate. This fundamental Trend will not change in the current Situation, because the reasons for the demand to remain overhang continues to exist.”

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the was Who originated from the Bursting of the price bubble in residential real estate, wrong. Engel & Völkers writes: “it is so far, feel nothing. On the contrary, the real estate prices are stable and rising in many places, even more.” Also, the fall in demand was, according to the brokerage firm: “Although there was a significant decrease in the activities during the Lockdown Phase, but, subsequently, a catch-up is to determine the effect.”

real estate prices are stable and interest rates fall

prospective buyers can rely on a stable market – and it may be worth in the crisis, the real estate purchase address. Because the mortgage interest rates fall. Reached at the beginning of the pandemic, you stand a low. Since then, interest rates went slightly up, increasing by 0.15 percentage points but is very moderate.

Especially since a reversal of the trend is emerging: “thanks to the yield to maturity for ten – year German government bond is currently just under about minus 0.5 percent – are also expected to remain the interest rates for construction loans soon back down a bit,” writes Max autumn, the owner of the FMH financial advice, in the case of “n-tv”.

In a simple calculation, autumn illustrates the low impact of small interest rate jumps: At an average purchase price of 450,000 euros and a loan amount of 300,000 Euro 0.05 per cent in interest costs only 12,50 euros more difference on a monthly basis. The results of 15 years only a small difference from 1865 Euro for the remainder of the debt.

And autumn expects that interest rates could continue to fall slightly, which would make the purchase all the more attractive. On the real estate market so it is also called in the fifth month of the acute Coronavirus pandemic: crisis, what crisis?

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