real estate investors are currently a victim of two opposite developments: on The one capped in cities is increasingly the height of the cold rent by state regulation and thus, the amount of rental income is limited.

second, the investment costs in housing construction, in the meantime, the cost drivers building technology, extremely high become. Legal requirements for the building equipment, such as the energy saving regulation or the renewable heat act are expected to minimize the energy requirements of the households.

the High cost of heating technology expect only rarely to be able to

the presets take into account a whole lot of cost – and maintenance-intensive technology in German new buildings – and this makes the economies for landlords and housing companies. Because the investment costs for the heat technology are no longer proportionate to the actual cost of Heating. They do not sink because of the shrinking of heating demand – will ensure not only better building envelopes, but also of the ongoing climate change.

High-Low Tech – the intelligent technology of the future

it is Precisely here that the disruptive business uses the model of the radically simplified building technology. To him, the experiences from the development and implementation of energy – self-sufficient single- family and multi-family houses. The Person

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Timo Leukefeld is Professor and author of the book also works as a speaker and thought-Converter in the future of the Institute. He has developed the first affordable and actually energy self-sufficient house in Europe, and advises the client. In Freiberg, Saxony, he built two energy-selfsufficient houses in which he lives and works.

The energy self-sufficiency a new way of the apartment is in the last few years, the economy, the cost savings in the house building advance. The idea of the “High Low Tech” is based on less technology, and more sustainability and lucrative . Paired with an energy concept of the building self-sufficient, you can provide an extra rental income of up to three euros per square meter.

operating and besides much cheaper

The networked energy self-sufficiency plays a key role: thanks to the solar energy, the building for the production of electricity, hot water preparation and for Heating, the energy supply up to 70 percent independent of external suppliers. This reduces the operating and ancillary costs enormously.

add to this Savings, the abandonment of advanced technology, lace landlords and Housing associations a housing-savings package, the future. For new buildings with a “High Low Tech” need neither the heat pump nor the boiler, no radiators, Underfloor heating, circulation pipes, a water boiler or a Central controlled ventilation with heat recovery. An infrared radiation heating enough to have a decentralised electric domestic hot water under the room ceiling, which is powered by electricity and in the Winter provides for pleasant warmth.

In the summer provides air conditioning for an active cooling of the house. The entire electricity demand of the building is covered in real-time to approximately 65 percent of the house’s own photovoltaic system.

On the way to the pure “power-society”: real smart and real clever

We live in an age in which Parts (“Sharing”) and Cooperate more and more important. This also applies to the field of energy: The solar energy surplus, which is an energy self-sufficient buildings from spring to autumn, and from there to a power-Cloud Community.

This makes you in the Winter paid: Then the residents get back-namely, in the summer, donated Surpluses to the same extent as additional available green electricity free of charge. Electricity is the fuel that keeps our modern life.

One thing is clear: We control the state of a pure power company. While in the past, the energy sources for the household (energy), heat (Oil or Gas) and mobility (gasoline and Diesel) led a separate existence, you will be in the new building in the future, one – all areas are powered by electricity.

Classic water heating will be from new buildings to disappear

You need no Prophet to say: In new construction, the liquid-based water heating, we are for 70 years, used to disappear therefore.

And this Trend takes into account the business model radically simplify home technology. With the infrared radiation heating, electric water heating, photovoltaics, and electricity storage, and is networked with a power-Cloud, as well as with external energy supply companies, it provides for a stream-based, simple and low-maintenance solution to the ubiquitous challenge of effective and energy-efficient living.

And because of the self-generated electricity not only for heat, hot water and provides electricity, but also for an in-house E-gas station, tend to the cost of the entire energy consumption including mobility against Zero. And by the way, the house seen here is a new one further Use: it is to the gas station!

hassle-free instead of round-the-clock on the cost

guards The past few years have shown that, in many places, the maintenance and repair costs rise as a result of the built-in, interference-prone technique. These costs in the future will exceed the savings in energy costs. Because complex systems increase the efficiency, at the same time their resistance drops but.

Verivox – The collective experts (display)

Now, electricity prices to the winner of the test compare and strong

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compare on top of The prevailing craft shortage drives up the cost of maintenance and repair, in addition to the height. For the technology-delusion when building a house, we pay a high price. The waiving of complex building technology, for virtually maintenance-free houses. And that means for landlords and apartment companies is a growing cost savings – instead of rising prices in purchasing.

First, housing companies invest in energy-autarkic multi-family homes

The decentralized energy supply is one of the most exciting and important topics in the housing industry. Even today, the first apartment building contractors on energy multi-family houses self-sufficient, for example, in Berlin, Lübben, Germany, Cottbus, Magdeburg and Wilhelmshaven.

how to produce their own electricity, Our PDF guide shows you how to make your own electricity independent from expensive suppliers.To the PDF guide

Because the mostly in-house generation of energy flat to rent, including a flat-rate calculate. For tenants this means a rent that Places them over a period of ten years at a fixed price, heat, electricity and E-mobility guaranteed.

And for the landlord not applicable in addition to the administrative effort for annual operating expense reports, the expense of frequent new leases. This adds your Image to eco-friendliness because of the guaranteed CO2-free operation of the housing in times of climate change, not only for the residents well.

If we want to be the desire for cost-effective and resource-efficient Living in our cities, we must have the courage to think in new ways. The business model is radically simplified building technology is disruptive. And Disruption is the interruption of the Usual and realignment means. We should trust us to make much-touted techniques in question. Sometimes less is more affordable – for example, when you Create, and yet climate-friendly living space.

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