happened How exactly, remained unclear. Many of the Accounts were temporarily banned and were short time later, without a doubt, message stick online again.

also, an account of the former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, rapper Kanye West, of Microsoft, were Affected-founder Bill Gates and Tesla chief Elon Musk. In the Accounts of the widespread Embassy was promised sent Bitcoins to pay double back.

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worked for The Internet company will be a “security incident” to find a solution. From comments on Twitter, it was found that thousands of dollars are likely to be transferred.

Twitter had in the past problems with the capers of Accounts, but never on such a broad Front, and in the case of such a prominent name.

Was it an Insider?

as soon As the company had “a better understanding” of what happened, will you inform the Public as fully as possible, said the company’s founder Dorsey on Wednesday evening (local time) on Twitter. “We all regret that this happened,” he wrote. “A tough day for us on Twitter.”

The magazine “Vice” reported on Wednesday night shortly after the incident, a Twitter Insider for the Hack responsible. The Journalist Jason Koebler wrote on Twitter that he had even spoken with one of the Parties. The information could not independently confirm

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The Accounts of Celebrities should be protected with complex passwords, as well as the so-called Two-factor authentication, with the addition of a freshly schickter Code for the application is on a new device. It still managed, the messages in the names of Celebrities to sell, raises serious questions about the safety precautions of Twitter, in particular, less than four months before the U.S. presidential election. The Account of the US President, Donald Trump for the Twitter a key communication channel that was not affected on Wednesday.

On a Twitter message is called a Bitcoin account cryptography was quickly currency worth over 100 000 dollars sent in.

Twitter had tightened security measures after an Unknown person had spread almost a year ago, news of the Account of the company boss Jack Dorsey. The service stated that its systems were not hacked, but a security vulnerability in Dorsey’s mobile providers have admitted to Sending Tweets via SMS. Most recently managed the end of January, a group calling itself the “OurMine” to post on the Accounts of several American Football Teams. You have to show that “everything is hackable”, as it was then.

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