To contain the Corona of a pandemic are the mouth, nose and coverings in many places mandatory. Some people feel them as a nuisance, particularly on hot days, and also in other situations, the masks interfere. Here are some tips to help.

Many people find Wearing a mask anyway as oppressive. “On warm days the Problem is that you sweat under the mask,” says Dominic Dellweg, physician at the lung clinic Grafschaft Abbey in Schmallenberg (North Rhine-Westphalia). The moisture is a favorable environment for pathogens and reduce the permeability of the mask, which is why the Breathe in the event of serious, explains the expert of the German society for pneumology and respiratory medicine.

don’t be recommended to wear The mask easy to loose but. Instead, it is in exceptional cases, for example, for patients with shortness of breath, helpful to use disposable masks. These are in good protection of air-permeable than fabric masks, says Dellweg.

Who needs to wear his mask every day, know the phenomenon, maybe: The skin is irritated and reddened, or there are pimples. “It is important to change masks regularly and to clean, otherwise it can lead to bacterial infections in the facial area”, recommends Prof. Alexander Nast, a dermatologist at the Charité University hospital in Berlin.

to look openly in the face, and to understand without words, with masks, is hardly. “Through a mask, which covered more than half of the face is an important sensory channel of communication, or is severely limited,” says the Charité-psychologist Prof. Isabella Heuser. People could no longer interpret the signals from your counterpart so quickly: “It’s just tedious and knowledge demanding, what the other says.” Photo: / damircudic CHIP Corona

Nevertheless, it is important to wear masks, says Heuser: “This helps to reduce the risk of Infection and is a sign of solidarity.” Overall, going to each other more difficult, if you always have to go at a distance. Heuser expects, however, that it was a matter of getting used to, even if the transition period is difficult.

In the delivery room the A is to Breathe and Still applicable in some hospitals, a mask is mandatory also for women in labour, criticised the club’s “Mother Hood”. “This makes many women scared,” says spokeswoman Catherine Desery. The hospitals wanted to protect their staff, but this should not come at the expense of women.

the German midwife Association stresses the importance of the free Breathing during the birth and that this was with the mouth-nose protection only to a limited extent or not possible at all. Midwives and Doctors could be by Wearing a medical mask protected, is not necessary, the Wearing of a mouth-nose mask for the woman.

For people with hearing AIDS can be used to mask an expensive pleasure. Because if the hearing AIDS In, or Discontinuation of the mouth, nose and covering behind-the-ear, not hearing the often – because you don’t hear the sound at impact of the device on the floor often. Pedestrians should be vigilant and help.

Also studded glasses over a mask, in particular, can make it difficult for visually impaired people, orientation. An attached wire hanger on the top of the mouth-nose cover can help in these cases – because then less respiratory air escapes to the top.

*The post “mask to wear in the summer: tips for heat, skin, and hearing AIDS” is published by Contact with the executives here.