are they increased the Rent sharply, and there is nothing to suggest that this Trend will find in the foreseeable future to an end. In addition, the low interest rate policy of the ECB ensures that credit and loans for real estate the interest to purchase sink. In other words, The current financing costs for home-owners tend to be lower than the sums, the transfer of the tenant to their landlord for a comparable object.

“of course, the purchase prices have risen further, but not to such a high extent that they were able to exceed the savings from the lower interest rates,” said Michael Voigtländer, real estate expert at the Institute of German economy (IW) in Cologne. “This interest rate advantage does not enjoy tenants,” stresses Voigtländer.

Also in the big cities to buy is worth more than rent

The cost advantage for self-users are not limited only to regions with low purchasing prices, but is observed nationwide, as the result of a study, the Voigt produced countries together with his colleague Pekka Sagner for the real estate company Accentro Real Estate. (Display)

apartments, houses and commercial objects.

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your evaluation is valid also for large cities, where the price level is significantly higher than in rural regions. Accordingly, even users could expect in the past year, in all seven German cities have a huge cost advantage over tenants. In four of the cities would be saved on average, even more than half.

Whoever buys, saves in cities of at least 35 percent

in the front of the Rhine cities of Cologne and Düsseldorf are in the process, as the following statement of the cost savings for the seven major cities, shows:

  • Cologne: 59.5 percent
  • Düsseldorf 58.7 percent
  • Frankfurt am Main: 55.6 percent
  • Stuttgart: 51.0%
  • Munich: 45.9%
  • Hamburg: 43.1 percent
  • Berlin: 35.1%

In 90 percent of all the regions suggests the property the rent

in Total, the experts in the IW for their housing costs report 401 German circles and circle-free cities with regard to purchase and rental prices are examined. The data provide a clear result: In 90 percent of the property proposes the rent. So you Finance your home, Our PDF guide shows you how to find cheap loans, pitfalls to bypass and get money from the state.To the PDF guide

For your calculation in Voigtländer and Sagner have. not only interest on the loan, but also the ancillary costs for the acquisition and modernization of real estate or the forgone interest on invested equity This result was then compared with the average net cold rent of a similar object. Here, the acquisition or the Neuanmietung an apartment has always been provided.

owners save on average 50 percent

The repayment has not been taken into account, because in order to build up assets do not go hand in hand, the search for tenants, says Voigtländer. The biggest advantage, however, are costs in any case, the lower living: Who buys instead of rents, saving in Germany, an average of 48.5 percent, the result of the calculations. With other words: the owners pay almost 50 percent less than the tenant for Living.

“The gap between the cost of self-users and the cost of the tenants has widened since the previous year, even once,” says Voigtländer. “Residential property is still the best Form of pension provision”, is it also right at the beginning of the study, which has analysed the conditions for 2019.

Corona and the consequences: What does the crisis?

But all that is now still? After all, the Corona-crisis messes up the economy, the labour market, and the real estate prices currently powerful. With the FOCUS Online loans comparison (display) Now follow-on funding

Also calculate to this question are Voigt investigated countries and his colleague: they have used the business survey by the Munich-based Ifo Institute, and derived from, how many full-time Employees of a circle in sectors that are particularly affected by the Corona-crisis: in addition to the tourism, hospitality and the stationary Non-Food retail are mainly manufacturing industries, since the supply chains are partially disturbed. For circuits in which the affected industries are more strongly represented, whether price increases are less likely, he says Voigtländer.

In the South risk, in the East, the prices continue to rise

in addition, he has considered the relationship between wage increases and the rent development, taking into account the following assumption: where the Rent increased in the past few years faster than wages, could rent increases over a longer period of time. Conversely, there could increase, where the Rent is considerably slower than wages rose, Rents and even more, in spite of the crisis.

However, this was not a flat rate for all regions in Germany: “Particularly in the South of Germany, the risks for adjustments seem to be in the prices for residential real estate very high. Quite different, however, in the East of Germany, where rent increases and thus the price appear to be increases are possible,“ write Voigtländer and Sagner.

Crash is “unlikely,”

The Corona-crisis mountains and thus only a “limited potential for a setback. A Crash with a price reduction of more than 20 percent, as he is partially adopted, it appears unlikely,“ write the authors. “Rather, it is assumed that there are, on the Whole, in this year of Stagnation.” Real estate Atlas 2020

In this PDF guide you will find everything that is Important to the topics of rent, the purchase price for condos and houses in 100 cities.

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A Problem could there be nevertheless. Because many households have used the favourable financing conditions of recent years, and the number and proportion of private landlords has risen significantly in recent years, as the researchers find. A large part of this private landlord list, however, only a small income from the rental.

small Private rude awakening

Corona is threatening landlords-induced loss of rent can be a burden to this group, therefore, “financially strong”, warn Voigtländer and Sagner. Small Private landlords in the German residential property market, however, very relevant because they rent, according to the experts, nearly two-thirds of all rental housing. Therefore, the policy needs to intervene here if necessary. Especially since not every landlord is automatically wealthy: “in fact, the group is much more heterogeneous and involves many social groups.” Display

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