Because the tenant must contribute to the cost, as the Supreme court ruled. A further requirement is that the condition of the apartment has deteriorated significantly since the catchment significantly.

the Federal court of justice in Karlsruhe has ruled on Wednesday, in two cases, from Berlin. The judgment is on all the tenants transferable, have moved into their apartment in unrenovated. (Az. VIII ZR 163/18, etc.)

landlords wanted to make cosmetic repairs of tenant to pay

This tenant may not be obliged to modify it to a Supreme court ruling of 2015 at their own cost, to cosmetic repairs such as paint or Tape. Appropriate clauses in the lease may be ignored.

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so Far, it was unclear whether in such cases, the landlord must step into the breach. The judge decided in favour of a compromise solution. The cost is to be worn, therefore, as a rule, each one-half by landlord and tenant.

tenants ‘Association criticized the judge’s decision

The German tenants’ Association (DMB), commented on the verdict as “incomprehensible”. His objection: Weinn a landlord to its tenants contractually to the cosmetic repairs, he expects from the tenant, “this to paint the apartment from time to time, expertly, or renovate – and regardless of the condition of the apartment when renting was”.

“there are No other requirements may apply for the landlord, if the passing-on defence and its obligation to maintenance of the apartment, is a failure on the tenant,” said DMB-President Lukas Siebenkotten.

That did not request the Federal court of justice and therefore with the same yardstick.

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