at the Latest, as of today, should at Telefónica Germany, the alarm bells quite loud shrill. Because the Federal network Agency accepted, with a view to the slow LTE network expansion of the mobile network operator, no more excuses. She has threatened the O2 parent company is quite open to a hefty fine attached. If the LTE network is not expanded until the end of July in accordance with clear guidelines, is a six-digit amount is due.

O2 is on a good way – BNetzA is still not satisfied,

Actually, the O2 was quite hopeful. On Tuesday, the network operator announced in North Rhine-Westphalia in the current year, just under 1,000 LTE-a transmitter is to be newly built. The result: 97 percent of the population of NRW can now surf the web with LTE speeds of up to 50 Mbit/s on the Internet. Up to the end of the year, it must be nationwide, 98 percent of the households. In addition, the main traffic routes, rail routes, i.e. motorways and busy to provide complete.

in other Parts of Germany, the LTE network rollout in Telefónica is set to proceed in the coming weeks, in parallel with the construction of a 5G network. “We now want to catch up as quickly as possible and the requirements of the Federal network Agency for the whole of Germany,” had the Telefónica Germany, said CEO Markus Haas on Tuesday. Background: The O2 network is in many Parts of Germany, worse than allowed.

Because the Federal network Agency had defined in the context of its LTE frequency auction in 2015, it is clear that the network must achieve coverage of the LTE network in Germany in a certain period of time. Already by the end of 2019, with a first deadline expired. And none of the three German network operators are able to satisfy the Federal network Agency to 100 percent. You requested repairs until the end of 2020. Accompanying the authority established for the three network operators between the objectives.

Telefónica cut in the overall assessment of the German-LTE-networks are the worst. The Federal network Agency continued to the Spanish group, therefore, a period until the end of June, in order to achieve tangible LTE improvements in the network of the German subsidiary. And in Parts also. Approximately 2,300 new LTE transmitters have been connected since the beginning of the year to the O2 network.

deadline for Telefónica when it comes to LTE Expansion

“not Enough,” stated the German Federal network Agency on Thursday once again. Around 3,000 new LTE base stations would need to be in the O2 network instead of the achieved 2.300 be. An apology on the part of Telefónica Germany, the corona crisis have led to complications in logistics, and thus in the procurement of LTE components, and will accept the regulator only partially, and now again by the end of July one last time.

a Whopping 600,000 euros will have to pay Telefónica to penalty, if the specified supply pad is not met from the frequency auction in 2015, by the end of July completely. The network operator would have been obliged, until 30. June, 40 percent of the still to the fulfillment of the supply support necessary 7.600 LTE sites build. This was not, however, “in spite of all the commendable efforts” of the case, the verdict of the German Federal network Agency.

In the next three weeks will need to provide Telefónica now, if the group wants to avoid the penalty yet. The Federal network Agency, emphasized in a message that the penalty can be significantly higher would. “The amount of the Payment, all to be assessed in the overall circumstances, in particular, that Telefónica was able to implement 75 percent of the up to the milestone required sites”, – stated in the message literally.

This article was written by Hayo Lücke

*The contribution of “Bad LTE network: Now it is O2 to the collar” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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