climbed While the number of marriages in 2018, with around 449.000 on a 25-year High, declined in the number of divorces, with around 148,000 on the level from the beginning of the 90s, according to data from the Federal Statistical office. The Postbank notes.

the bottom line is, every third marriage in Germany, but fail. In the process of Separating Ex need to communicate with partners is often high assets: couples have three times more frequent a property than Singles.

processing and must be

be prepared Because it is usually a common ownership, the processing in the case of a separation difficult. What happens to the joint debts, if the loan is not paid off for the own four walls yet?

“For the real estate loan shall be liable to the person who has signed the contract with the Bank,” explains Norbert Geiser of the Postbank. This means that both spouse’s credit, each shall be liable in the full amount, regardless of whether the marriage was already divorced. Click here for a checklist for your individual real estate financing

Even if one of the partners from the joint property moves out, he must continue to advise the credit. For such cases, the Postbank expert has some advice: “the One who is all that he should demand that the spouse who lives in the property, rent.” Which could account for 50 percent of the loan rate.

before the divorce is clear: property to keep or give up?

Even before the divorce application is submitted, should clarify both partners, if possible, by mutual agreement, what happens with the property. Without the agreement, the forced auction, which is usually associated with high financial losses threatening.

One option is to sell the house, and in the connection revenue and debts to divide. “For the sale, the consent of both partners is usually necessary – even if only one is in the land, because the property is usually the most important asset of a married couple,” explains Postbank expert Geiser. So you Finance your home, Our PDF guide shows you how to find cheap loans, pitfalls to bypass and get money from the state.To the PDF guide

But there are Alternatives: A Partner can keep the property and the other paid off. In this case, a notary public must be must be dissolved the property transfer notarized, signed under the credit agreement and a new contract with the Bank closed. This means that, under certain circumstances, a prepayment penalty is due.

– saving tip: a spouse will not pay any land transfer tax

“A payout should best be done before the final divorce, because spouses do not have to pay land transfer tax,” advises the expert of the Postbank. And a last tip: Concerned should obtain the services of a lawyer or notary for advice. Vaccine against Corona: Second test phase, with 500 volunteers in China, PCP vaccine against Corona: Second test phase, with 500 volunteers in China
