let’s face it without half measures: the mobile turned upside down the world of photography, and in particular, the arrival of the smartphone: it is, without any doubt, the component most used by the vast majority, and what is more important, a decisive factor of purchase. Thus the things, the manufacturers strive hard in improve your hardware and achieving results that surprise if we take into account that it is a phone. Now what is a good camera, a decisive factor to the hour to take good photographs? The experts deny this further and conclude that the quality of the photo gives the photographer, and any other mobile phone of mid-range you can take some spectacular pictures How to do it?

We wanted to consult with the expert most reputed in the world in moving picture, Austin Mann, the photographer spoiled by Apple and they usually send you the new models of iPhone in the sole to squeeze their cameras. Here are some tips.

The key is in the photographer, not the camera

it Would be tempting to think that behind a great photograph, there is always a lens of the first level, but Mann denies to THE COUNTRY this end: “the key to a good photo has nothing to do with the camera,” she explains, “but to see things as nobody sees.” In this sense, advises change of perspective, or simply wait with patience for that “something unique” in our field of vision; it is here where shines a mobile phone in front of a camera because I always carry it in the pocket and take a photo requires just a few seconds.

always Keep the lens clean

it May seem a minor issue, but countless are the excellent photographs ruined by the fault of a dirty lens or with a layer of fat, which softens the colors. It is always possible to make an edit later, but it is a shame to lose a shot outstanding for a matter so trivial. The lens of the mobile phone is always exposed and it is a device that is always carried in the hands and in the pockets, so that the chance of getting dirty is very high. How do I clean it? Simply pass a soft cloth or rub the lens with the sleeve of the shirt to remove the dirt.

Use the camera native

while it is true that the app stores are full of superb camera applications that manage to squeeze the hardware, and the lenses until unsuspected limits, it is certain that its use weakens the strengths of mobile in this field. Mann explains that, precisely, the strong points of the camera of a phone are its speed and ease of use, and with them “we have to get the best out of the camera”. This expert advised not to apply the habits of a dslr camera on a mobile phone: “it’s better not to try to take pictures with a very large exposure or by forcing the zoom to the maximum”, because they are not items on which shines the camera of a phone.

Avoid the flash when possible

The software that manages the camera of the mobile is really efficient to achieve excellent results in the worst of conditions and can be applied to the maximum which reads that “it is impossible to take a bad photo” with a modern mobile. However, experts recommend avoiding the use of flash as much as possible: this accessory denatures some shots to force the light and it is best to choose to turn it off and keep the pulse and be amazed by the results. Obviously, there will be situations in which it is necessary to use the flash as in conditions of minimum light in a portrait or when the sun is situated behind the goal, but in general, it is always better not to use it.

Leverage the native capabilities of the camera

it Is easy to fall into the temptation of thinking that the camera app that comes with the mobile is not very strong and that the manufacturer leaves you to be the developers to squeeze the most through apps. However, it happens just the opposite: brands like Apple, Samsung or Google, mix the ingredients of the software and hardware in a unique way and who gets to squeeze the most of the camera native, you will get the best results. So, you can play with the different modes (portrait, HDR…) and also see what results are obtained by managing to hand focus (touch on lens) or exposure.

it is Not necessary to have the latest model

Mann insists that the key to good photography is in the photographer and not the equipment and it is not necessary to have the latest model of mobile to achieve excellent results. This expert only recommend that you change your model every one or two years” if you are a professional user of the moving picture as “the sensors and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds” and let you take snapshots that before were impossible, as modes such as night of the last generation of phones.