Behind the hacker attack on Twitter accounts of Celebrities such as Ex-US President Barack Obama and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is, according to US media reports, it appears that neither a foreign state nor a professional Hacker gang.

reported the “New York Times” on Friday, the perpetrators, rather, a “group of young people”, that should have been on the Internet met. The large-scale hacker attack had shifted to the short message service on Wednesday in a state of emergency.

The “New York Times” said according to the report, with four of the cyber-attack involved in people. One of them was, therefore, to live with his mother. The idea for the Twitter attack came the young people, therefore, during a casual chat on the Gamer platform, Discord.

According to Twitter, were arrested in the attack on Wednesday, around 130 user accounts to target. Were affected, among other things, the U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Rap Star Kanye West, as well as the accounts of the iPhone manufacturer Apple and the car service provider Uber. On the hacked accounts, a call was published, to be paid within 30 minutes of Bitcoins to the value of $ 1000 (880 Euro). Supposedly, this should be a repayment of double the amount rewarded.

“, Coordinated Social Engineering attack”

Twitter suspended the accounts after the attack temporarily and explained that there had apparently been a “coordinated Social Engineering attack”. It had apparently been successful, “some of our employees, witnesses with access to internal systems, and work” to the goal taken. The so-called Social Engineering, employees are manipulated to go through this particular information.

observed According to the page transactions in crypto-currencies, were paid due to the fraudulent action of Bitcoins in the value of 116,000 dollars.

The “New York Times” interviewed the alleged Hacker claimed that the Bitcoin idea to go back to an Internet user with the Pseudonym “Kirk”, which was initiated by the hacker attack. You have hacked into the accounts of less well-known Twitter user, said to the newspaper. As well as the accounts of well-known personalities have become the target of the attack, they would have averted from “Kirk”.

Twitter has always attacks with hackers to fight. So the people’s accounts were hacked in March 2017 rights organization Amnesty International, the French Ministry of the economy and the BBC’s North America, possibly by followers of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Bitcoin Hack threw a very slight impact on the security of the short message service, which is also the preferred Online platform, by US President Donald Trump.

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