The supply of gravel as the main domestic Baurohstoff is in Germany increasingly difficult. After it had been in the past few years, for the first time, bottlenecks in the Ruhr and in Hamburg, expanded the problems on other regions, such as Mannheim/Karlsruhe and Berlin/Potsdam as well as parts of lower Saxony and Bavaria. This was the result of a study by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and natural resources (BGR) in Hannover.

orders for larger construction projects would no longer be part of adopted, first regular customers served and gravel quantities according to availability of allocated. “The Situation will worsen in Germany, because the causes continue to exist,” said the lead author of the study, Harald Elsner. Gravel is mainly used for the production of concrete. Germany bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause

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Germany is rich in gravel, 70 percent, however, are not accessible

The Central Federation of the German construction industry, according to is in Germany, although “no distress, with regard to gravel and Sand” – there is a shortage because hardly any new mining areas to be approved. In addition, currently, be delivery due to the novel Coronavirus shortages from abroad, which, however, would be offset by domestic companies.

Germany is geologically rich in gravel, however, only a part of the for the removal is available. As a result, around 70 percent of the gravel, according to BGR, for example, in Baden-Württemberg deposits built up or in conservation areas. For farmers, the Agriculture is also currently more profitable than the supply of the raw material industry.

a year Ago, the construction industry had already warned that the real estate boom, some of the Sand out. In comparison, the Situation at the gravel, however, is significantly more tense, it means from the BGR: “gravel is for geological reasons less frequently than Sand, but much, much higher.” Germany bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good purpose of FOCUS Online, Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good purpose

gravel is even more important than the sandy, especially in the case of concrete

As an example, the study of the composition of concrete: In the case of the so-called rock aggregates Sand from doing about a third, gravel and crushed stone from natural stone, however, nearly two-thirds. dpa/Candy Welz/Arifoto Ug conveyors in a gravel pit.

The difference between Sand and gravel is in size. Both of them can consist of many different minerals – are the grains of the sediment 2 to 63 millimeters in size, is made of gravel of speech, they are smaller, of Sand. In contrast to the grit and gravel, gravel is rounded also.

Especially important is the raw material for the ready-mix concrete industry. More than 40 million tonnes of gravel has needed in the year 2018, so this branch is the largest buyer. The number of Places where Sand and gravel in Germany to be won, however, since the 1990s, the decline. There was, according to the study, in 1995, more than 3000 works, today it is less than 2000.

Mined amount is on the rise – but it will not be approved little areas

The supply constraints resulting from a lack of supply. The mined quantity is increased since 2012 even by ten percent. Because of private and public construction projects, the demand in the past few years, however, was extremely high. Five to ten percent of the gravel prices have risen so per year.

With a view to the future threatens the study’s authors, according to another Problem: The approval of new mining areas progressing only slowly. So twelve important sand and gravel deposits from ran alone, in the Region of Chemnitz in the next ten years. Replacement surfaces are, however, of the regional planning so far, not shown. On the subject of schools, the CDU zofft man Kretschmer with economic researcher Hüther, FOCUS Online/Wochit on The subject of schools zofft up, the CDU-man Kretschmer with economic researcher Hüther
