FritzOS 7.20 brings you many new Features in your home Wi-Fi network. Accordingly, it is important that as many of the devices in addition to your FritzBox use the Update. Who has the FritzBox 7590, FritzBox 7530 or FritzBox 7520 at home, you can install the new Update on FritzOS 7.20 for several days or weeks. It holds especially – but not only – in the area of wireless networks, some interesting and important innovations. Other routers are, more on that later.

FritzOS 7.20 for almost all of the Fritz repeater

the repeaters, AVM is almost “through” with the Updates. Now the Berliners have also provided for the smallest Repeater of the current product line, the Fritz repeater 600, the Update. These, we would you, though – are you planning a new acquisition – not recommended because it only supports the 2.4 GHz Band. The Fritz repeater 1200 and 2400 have received the Update already. Thus, only the Fritz repeater 3000 – the flagship of the current Repeater series now. Here, there was only at 31. July laboratory Update. A few days ago, the Powerline Adapter with the name Fritz power line 1260E receive the Update.

A conversion of all devices and repeaters in your home network, this Time is particularly interesting, because AVM innovations has introduced the Wi-Fi Mesh, and these work well if you have all the devices in your household with the new Features. Because with the FritzOS 7.20 AVM has worked, among other things, on the wireless Steering. This is the level, which device, when connected to which Router, or Repeater. These Deliveries will be made faster and smoother. In order for this to happen anywhere in the apartment, all the devices have the same Software.

This Router, get the FritzBox-Update soon

you can use routers other than the above, so you’ll have to be patient. On some routers, AVM are always lab-Update. Last, the model numbers 7490, 7580 and 6660 Cable these Updates. With you, AVM wants to learn in a public Test, whether the Software runs stable. Only if that is the case, provides AVM, the control software for 7.20.

an Update for FritzBox 7580, 7490, 6890 LTE, 6490 Cable, 6590 Cable and the Repeater Fritz repeater 3000 and the 1750E is Planned. When the Updates occur, and whether other routers are upgraded to AVM-lipped.

ready for your Box to Update, so you can, using a Computer or Smartphone in your home network via a Browser on log. Under the menu item System sub-item Update appears. There you can update your FritzBox. Only boxes, the supply of the Provider directly with the new Firmware, before to remain outside. Soon, by the way, completely new devices from AVM are expected, including a Repeater.

This article was written by Thorsten Neuhetzki

*The post “FritzOS 7.20 Update: This flagship is still missing” will be released by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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