users of the Facebook App, fuming. In the Play Store, you can be in the Form of harsh criticism of steam. If you look at the reviews of the App from the last few days, you will hardly find one with more than one star. The problems the users report are manifold. However, a Problem stands out.

a few days Ago, Facebook its Android equipped App an Update. Since then, the battery is shot consumption. But not only, when you use the App and its Timeline wipes. Also in the Background, when the Smartphone is in Standby mode, gnaws Facebook to the battery and sucks it empty.

complaints about Facebook-Update

If Huawei, Samsung and Google are Affected not only individual Smartphone models, but many devices from numerous manufacturers. A user writes: “Since one week, the App consumes about 50 percent battery.” Another confirmed this in his Google Pixel 4: “Eats currently battery like hell. 4 minutes duration, 18 percent of battery gone.” Also, we in the newsroom can reproduce the Problem on Smartphones by Huawei and Samsung, and register a very high battery consumption.

But that does not seem to be the only Problem, the Facebook-App. Looking at the many other reviews in the Play Store, seems to be the application for many users to open it in the first place. “Update and nothing more”, commented a user. Another user writes: “App to work since yesterday even. Update was useless.”

So you solve the battery-Problem

If Facebook is sucking the battery of your smartphone within a short time empty, you should exit the App manually. To do this, you need to the App Icon, tap and hold until a Solid opens. Now you tap on the “i” and stop the application, or tap – depending on the manufacturer, different – on “force Stop”.

This is not the best solution, but generally this leads to success. As long as Facebook does not eliminate the Bug, and the App is updated, you will need to take as a user of this way to purchase.

→ Smartphone restart: This brings it really

the Facebook App Is always bad?

In the Play Store are mounting criticisms that the App is getting worse and worse. After all, the application for Android Smartphones comes up with a average rating of 4.2 stars. The counterpart for the iPhone in the App Store at only 2.3 star out of 5 possible stars.

This article was written by Blasius Kawalkowski

*The post “Facebook has massive problems: users are stock released will mad” by Inside Digital. Contact with the executives here.

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